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20+1 ways to use honey

20+1 ways to use honey

The golden food with a value measured not in carats but in grains dispels the myth of bitter medicines. The honey however, it becomes even more valuable for health when combined with fruits, herbs and spices that enhance its healing properties.
There are countless healing honey recipes out there. We have gathered the most interesting ones and suggest you try them with her Premium Honey FoodsCross, which stands out for the very high percentage of thyme pollen starting from 60%, while in its limited edition version it surpasses the unreal 80%.
Try FoodsCross honey in all possible combinations and enjoy its taste and beneficial properties in 21 different ways!

  1. Honey with lemon for a sore throat. It fights swelling and softens the throat, while at the same time "hitting" the bacteria.
  2. Lemon with honey for the flu. Soothes flu symptoms.
  3. Good health with honey and cinnamon. A miraculous combination of two amazing foods, which experts believe probably helps to deal with high blood pressure as well as the good condition of the heart and circulatory system.
  4. Ginger with honey for the stomach. The first acts against inflammation and promotes good blood circulation. Combined with honey, it is an ideal drink for those who suffer from nausea and stomach pains.
  5. Honey and cloves put an end to the toothache, thanks to a clove substance that has antiseptic properties, just like thyme honey. These two foods in combination kill germs that can cause infections.
  6. To treat gastroesophageal reflux, honey with apple cider vinegar. This unexpected combination has been shown to strengthen the digestive system and help absorb minerals that help treat GERD.
  7. Honey with orange and milk for hard heels. Milk is rich in vitamin A while ethers olive that we find in the peel of the orange fight the dryness of the skin.
  8. Honey and yogurt face mask. Yogurt probiotics prevent inflammation and restore the natural PH balance. With honey, the mask becomes even more effective in treating acne.
  9. Muscle pains are treated with honey and coconut oil. Coconut oil has a lot of electrolytes and can help with dehydration, which is the root cause behind muscle aches. Boost the flavor and power of the lemon drink for even more energy.
  10. Athlete's foot? Put honey with sugar which has excellent anti-fungal effects.
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  11. 11. Honey with lemon for diet. Can a glass of warm water, lemon and honey cause weight loss? This claims research recently published in the Scientific World Journal attributing to this drink slimming properties meant in combination with a balanced diet and exercise.
  12. Honey with apple cider vinegar for cholesterol. Ayurveda healers drink apple cider vinegar with honey because they claim it fights fat and any tissue problems.
  13. Honey with turmeric for ulcers in the oral cavity. The proven antibacterial properties of honey can speed up the wound healing process when combined with turmeric.
  14. For sinusitis, honey with fresh ginger juice.
  15. Honey and orange juice for stress. Research has shown that orange juice is relaxing and can help with fatigue, exhaustion and stress. Combined with honey, it becomes even more relaxing.
  16. Honey with pineapple for smokers. Pineapple has a lot of vitamin C which is usually needed by smokers. Chewing pineapple in combination with a spoonful of honey also helps to reduce the craving for another cigarette.
  17. Honey with bay leaves and celery seeds before each meal relieves abdominal pain.
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  18. Circulation problems need honey with cinnamon and pepper. A tea with this spices enriched with honey also help with indigestion.
  19. Honey with castor oil for hiccups, which is known to be due to spasms of the diaphragm. The combination of two classic anticonvulsants, naturally, can calm the hiccups.
  20. Honey with cinnamon and for eczema. Researchers have found that honey not only helps to heal wounds but also has a beneficial effect even in very severe cases of eczema. These properties are enhanced with the equally healing cinnamon.
  21. Bad breath with a homemade solution of honey, cinnamon, lemon juice and baking soda. These ingredients kill odor-causing bacteria.



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