In the name of Yoga meaning one of the six systems of Indian philosophy. It advocates the union of the soul with God, through specific methods, mainly meditation. The Sanskrit word yoga has various interpretations and comes from the Sanskrit root yuj meaning "union of body and spirit." Thus, yoga (Joga) means union, coexistence, union. A basic technique for realization in yoga is meditation. Without the simultaneous practice of meditation and moral perfection (such as the reduction of self-centeredness, violence and all our negative emotions), yoga will not be able to give the desired results. The benefits of yoga are psychosomatic, as it is a method of inner exploration, which recognizes the interdependence of the body and the mind, and brings harmony to all human states, physical, mental-emotional, spiritual.
Through physical exercises (asanas), yoga renews, revitalizes and heals the body by stretching and strengthening the muscles, joints and spine.
Through the breaths (pranayamas), yoga supplies oxygen to the blood, and the blood in turn supplies all the internal organs, strengthening the body's natural defenses and expelling toxins and impurities.
Yoga is particularly beneficial for all ages as it acts anti-aging and fights physical and mental illnesses such as stress, arthritis, depression, diabetes, asthma and obesity.
Pilates – What It Is
Spa Pilates
Pilates is the name of the exercise method created at the beginning of the 20th century by Joseph Hubertus Pilates (1883 – 1967). He called his method Contrology, as, during training, the practitioner uses the mind to control the muscles of his body. The purpose of Pilates is to strengthen the muscles of the spine, to align it, but also to achieve proper breathing.
Pilates focuses on strengthening the core of the body (abdominals, hips, and lower back) so that the practitioner obtains a stable center of support, while relaxing the tension of the extremities.
The Pilates training method is based on the following principles:
BREATHING. Complete and deep inhalation and exhalation in order to oxygenate the muscles and decongest the shoulders and neck from tension.
CENTERING/STABILIZATION. Every movement starts from our "center". Pilates called the central abdominal muscles and those around it the Powerhouse.
CONCENTRATION. The absolute concentration during the movement results in the execution of the exercise with the most possible precision.
CONTROL. According to Pilates, during the execution of the exercises the mind completely guides the movements of the muscles.
ACCURACY. Every movement is done with detail and precision.
FLOW. The flow of movement and harmonious transition between exercises achieves deep muscle strengthening and improved endurance.