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PS Hair


PS Hair Book online

    PS Hair Book online

      PS Hair

      The PS HAIR scientific center is the most complete and scientifically documented solution in the field of restoring and improving the health of the scalp and hair growth in general.

      Hair loss, hair thinning, restoration of lost hair are completely and effectively treated with special and personalized treatments for thinning, hair loss, hair strengthening and hair transplantation in cases where it is required.

      The scientific center PS HAIR is made up of a team of Doctors specializing in Plastic Surgery, Dermatology and General Medicine with the aim of fully meeting the modern aesthetic and medical needs of people of all genders, with the immediate restoration or improvement of problems related to the scalp and hairline. of the other parts of the body.

      The state-of-the-art medical machines, specialized products, and the scientific staff of PS HAIR offer all methods of prevention and restoration, with services and procedures that are highly effective, fast and at completely affordable prices.

      The specialized staff and doctors of psMedical are always at your disposal to discuss your needs and provide you with the appropriate advice to create your personal program, perfectly harmonized with your requirements and aspirations.

      FUE Hair Transplantation

      The term FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) mainly refers to the method of extracting hair follicles from the donor area, with direct extraction of individual hair follicles (known as 'hair - hair').

      FUT Hair Transplantation

      It is the method by which the hair follicles are taken with a strip and then, with the help of a special dermatoscope, the hairs are divided - separated, in order to extract or prepare enough single-hair follicles as well as two- and three-hair follicles.

      Unshaven FUE Hair Transplantation

      The transplantation technique with the transfer of individual hair follicles usually requires the shaving of a small zone of the donor country, with a hair length of 2-3 mm for the easier extraction and reception of the grafts. Many times, however, shaving the donor area is an inhibiting factor in carrying out a hair transplant session with the FUE method, especially for people who for professional, social or personal reasons cannot shave close or be perceived as having undergone a hair transplant. During the hairless session the doctor takes the grafts one by one from the normal long hair of the donor country and places them in the same way in the affected area.

      Hair transplantation in other places

      Hair transplantation - implantation is applied in addition to hair and in many other places and cases such as: post-surgical scars or injuries, burns or simply lack of hair in some places (eg cheeks, eyebrows, sideburns, etc.) can now be inserted simply, quickly, painless and with an excellent result hair follicles to fully restore the affected area.