It is a fact that in most swimming pools we encounter a contradiction. Natural pools dream! From the...
Alternative cure
science, medical aesthetics, cryolipolysis, mesotherapy, beauty machines, radio frequencies
Botox & Medical Aesthetics, Appearance & Grooming, Alternative cure, Body Treatments, Firming & Elasticity, No category
If diet and exercise didn't reduce your belly what would you say...
The seminar will start from Friday, January 18 (arrival in the afternoon) and will end...
skin, cuticle, cold, prevention, protection, care
Appearance & Grooming, Alternative cure, Hydration & Firming, Facial Treatments, Spa tips, Health, Psychology
Τι συμβαίνει στην επιδερμίδα με την απότομη αλλαγή του καιρού.Πρόληψη και Φροντίδα. Το δέρμα...
Yoga, meditation, events, energy, sound bath, feelings
Ayurvedic massage, Ayurvedic & Rejuvance, Acupuncture & Meditation, Meditation, Alternative cure, Holistic Treatments, Spa Rituals, Health, Psychology
Come and experience a special meditation to help release blockages, negative...
tips, beauty secrets, beauty, tips
Appearance & Grooming, Alternative cure, Hydration & Firming, Glow Therapy, Facial Treatments, Spa tips, Health, Psychology
Easy beauty tips that we can do at home with few ingredients 1....
cuticle, cleaning, mixed skin, skin type
Appearance & Grooming, Alternative cure, Glow Therapy, Facial Treatments, Face cleaning, Health, Psychology
And I, who have combination skin, in which category do I fall? So to answer, no...
ayurveda, facial treatments, beauty
Ayurvedic & Rejuvance, Appearance & Grooming, Alternative cure, Holistic Treatments, Health, Psychology
Beauty, according to Ayurveda, is considered a blessing from God. It is our duty...
excercise, daily exercise, incentives, health
Aerobics, Gymnastics, Diet & Nutrition, Appearance & Grooming, Alternative cure, Group gymnastics, Fitness programs, Health, Psychology
New motivations in daily exercise will give us energy and strength One of the...