In recent years more and more more adults have start putting it in their daily life excercise realizing the benefits for the health and well-being of the body. Diet and exercise
However, any kind of physical activity, especially when combined with a daily life full of family and professional obligations, also requires a balanced diet.
Obviously, when an athlete competes in a championship, his diet is even more specialized.
Diet and exercise
His needs to provide his body with the required energy before competitions and to replenish it after a tiring training session or to prevent muscle damage are completely different from an amateur.
However, there are some common rules that apply to all those who exercise, either daily or a few times a week. The most suitable person to advise on the diet that should be followed by all those who play sports is clinical nutritionist Nikos Cafetzopoulos (
Adjust your diet
If you exercise regularly, Mr. Cafetzopoulos notes, you should adjust your diet accordingly. Here are some basic rules that an athlete or practitioner should follow.
A good breakfast apart from its many known benefits offers better physical and mental health and performance and reduced stress. So it goes without saying that it is never omitted and can include:
- Milk with oats and pieces of fruit
- Toast with wholemeal bread and fruit/juice
- Omelet with vegetables (peppers, tomato, mushrooms, etc.) and wholemeal bread
Meal before exercise
The pre-workout meal has the primary purpose of providing the body with the required energy, but without causing any gastrointestinal discomfort.
In general, the pre-competition meal should be moderate in protein, sufficient in fluid to maintain adequate hydration, and free of fat and fiber to minimize gastrointestinal upset.
An ideal choice is a portion of pasta with cheese & a small salad. If there is no time available to complete digestion, one of the following snacks can be consumed:
- Cereal with milk
- Cereal bar with natural juice.
- Toast with cheese and natural juice
- Fruit salad with yogurt & honey
Post-exercise meal
In sports, success depends on the athlete's ability to recover between demanding workouts.
The main goals of the meal by extension are the maximum restoration of muscle-liver glycogen levels, the restoration of lost fluids and the regeneration of muscle tissue.
The best solution is always a full meal, as close as possible to the end of training, such as meat with rice and mixed vegetables, spaghetti with minced meat and salad, etc.
If it is not possible to consume the above immediately, 1 glass of chocolate milk or a toast with turkey and cheese are the preferred post-race snacks, since they contain the ideal ratio of carbohydrates and proteins.
The importance of proper hydration
The most basic factor related to good health and athletic performance is adequate hydration, and all exercisers should pay due attention to this.
A simple and easy way to look at them The body's hydration levels are the color of the urine, which should always be clear and light in color. If they are dark in color, 2 glasses of water should be consumed immediately and the total fluid intake should be increased during the day.
Important note: The amount of food must also go hand in hand with the volume of training. A light exercise, eg 30 minutes of leisurely jogging, does not require that much energy and should not be combined with large meals, because it will result in weight gain.
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