AlfaTherapy: The secrets
To have enhanced immunity and avoid colds and viruses, it would be good to include exercise in your program, (the simplest form of exercise is brisk walking) and above all to think and see the positive things that exist around you, within you and in general in your life.
Try to take walks in nature and not close yourself in places with many people. Enjoy foods that will boost the immune system, such as:
cabbage, broccoli, garlic, sea buckthorn and goji berries in your breakfast or salad.
Also drink a nice drink with the amazing Greek herbs:
sage, mallow, wild fennel and rosemary.
AlfaTherapy: The secrets
We make the decoction with the above herbs such as tea us. Boil water, remove from heat, add a dose of each herb, leave for three to five minutes, strain and drink. A cup in the morning and if you can another cup in the afternoon, they will boost your health.
And above all shield your health, having true faith in your abilities, talents and potential.
With many wishes for good health
from its large and dynamic team AlfaTherapy and
the director of Holistic Treatments Michalis Kyriakidis
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