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Exercise for endorphins

Exercise for endorphins

What are endorphins? It is a class of neurotransmitters produced by the body and used internally as a pain reliever. Endorphins trigger pain and effort. The human body produces at least 20 different types of endorphins. Their action is particularly beneficial, as they calm us, create a feeling of euphoria, improve mood by neutralizing high levels of adrenaline, which causes stress, strengthen the immune system and delay the progression of aging. When endorphins are produced in large quantities, they contribute to the health of the body's organs.
Endorphins are directly related to exercise, as research has shown that prolonged exercise can increase their production. This sense of euphoria has been shown to runners at a very high level. When the training intensity is from moderate to high, which is what we achieve through Pilates exercises, endorphins will be released.

Exercise is anyway the medicine for various diseases, such as heart disease and osteoporosis, but at the same time it is also a natural anti-depressant, an effective treatment for sadness, anxiety and melancholy. The secretion of serotonin and endorphins during exercise contribute to a good mood, act soothingly in cases of anxiety or intense anger and help the mind to forget.
Maria Gripari Pilates

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