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Phototherapy with the Omnilux system

Phototherapy with the Omnilux system

The OMNILUX system with a specific application protocol can successfully offer anti-aging depending on the needs and requirements of the patient, either as a monotherapy or in combination with other treatments after consulting the doctor.
The specific system is a new technology method based on the application of light from special LED lamps. Products include Omnilux blue (blue light), Omnilux revive (red light), Omnilux plus (infrared light), for the treatment of various dermatological conditions such as acne, photoaging, skin cancers (not melanoma), skin regeneration, hidroadenitis, wound healing after surgeries.
Each detachable head delivers clean, narrow-spectrum light through LEDs that are appropriately placed in the area being treated.
The advantages of Omnilux are multiple as it activates the cellular mechanisms for regeneration, it is a non-invasive safe method and has the possibility to be applied to different areas.
Discover all modern beauty treatment methods at 33 Derma Clinic.

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