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Can I swim during pregnancy?

Can I swim while pregnant?

Can I swim during pregnancy?

Regular exercise during pregnancy is a great idea. Can I swim while pregnant?

Studies have shown that if you are already in shape, you will it is easier to adapt to the new body condition that a pregnancy brings.

Exercise also has psychological benefits. The women who exercise during pregnancy feel a general well-being compared to those who do not exercise at all. They feel more positive and energetic.

The reason so many women choose swimming over some other form of exercise is because it makes them feel almost weightless. This can be a huge relief, especially during the third trimester. And unlike other forms of aerobics, swimming keeps you cool.

Swimming also contributes to:
• Improvement of circulation
• Strengthening the function of the heart and lungs
• Muscle toning and strengthening
• Increase in endurance
• Relief of swelling and fluid retention during pregnancy
• Burning calories
• Better sleep
• Removal of fatigue

Can I swim while pregnant?

Talk to your doctor, physiotherapist or even your midwife before you start. However, you will most likely be able to swim throughout your pregnancy, right up until and before the baby is born.

If you were a regular swimmer before you became pregnant, you should probably be able to resume your usual routine. Even if you have never exercised before, swimming is – as has been proven – one of the safest methods of exercise to start during your pregnancy.
Start slow, warm up, get into the water gradually and don't push yourself. You should always leave the pool feeling like you could have swum more. If you are unwell, in pain or bleeding, you should definitely check with your doctor or midwife before continuing.

Choose the type that suits you best. Alternate swimming forward and floating on your back, gently kicking your feet in the water for a good all-around workout.

Avoid anterior if you have pain in front of your pelvis, in locking the symphysis pubis because it can make the pain worse. In such a case it would be good to ask your doctor or midwife to refer you to a specialist women's physiotherapist. Some women have continued to exercise in the water with the anus after treatment.

In addition to improving your physical condition, exercising in the water can also relieve various pains. In addition, it has been proven to improve body image during pregnancy and enable a healthy lifestyle in all its stages. Overall, it is one of the best ways to exercise during pregnancy.

Saltamanikas Nikolas
Your AQUA spot program manager
Graduated from the Department of Science of Physical Education & Sports of the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens /Ed. Swimming of all categories

Master, Physical Education (Sport Management) LUC
FOUNDER / www.pool-about.gr / Pool ABOUT SALON - EXPO

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