Everything about the SPA and its accessories...

Showcase your product to thousands of users with indirect smart advertising

Showcase your product

Showcase your product to thousands of users with indirect smart advertising

The spa-about.gr offers you the opportunity to show off your products, choosing one or more of the online ones our advertising packages. Showcase your product

His guests spa-about.gr they are mainly women aged 30 – 50 who love a healthy life, take care of their bodies and often visit the spa-about.gr to find wellness centers & spas, offers and also to be informed about new products.

What differentiates us from the corresponding sites in advertising is the way in which we choose to promote the products. We follow the developments as well as the demands of the visitors. We know that a site full of web banners - animated or static - are "dressed" and tire the visitor. Showcase your product

So we choose alternative forms of advertising!

Indirect projectionIndirect projection

Don't limit your ad to a specific space with specific dimensions or words. In a report, interview or article you will present your product, its benefits and capabilities in detail.

Wellness deals

Wellness deals

Offers with counter for start and end. Give the visitor the opportunity to discover and get to know your product. A tempting one special offer it may bring you your next loyal customer!



The gift is proven to be the best marketing. Our creative department plans and coordinates thematic contests that are posted on the spa-about.gr Facebook page. Each contest refers with a link to our site and the product.



Sending a newsletter with all the latest news, presentations and special offers to registered users of spa-about.gr. Introduce your business to a targeted audience of health & beauty consumers.


See for yourself!

Follow some of the links below and see how your business, products or services can be exposed to a strong quality audience.

Still thinking about it?

Contact us at info@spa-about.gr or at 694 00 00 002 and a representative of our company will contact you immediately.