Detox with 7 natural methods & discover the Secrets of Chinese Medicine!
For physical therapy, you need a healthy lifestyle, which provides you with a healthy body. A healthy body needs good maintenance and good nutrition.
Good health is not simply the absence of disease, but includes physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Good health means a healthy body free of toxins, which are often precursors to physical disease. According to Hippocrates, the father of medicine, the first principle of good health is to rid your body of toxins.
What are toxins? Toxins are biochemicals and molecules that can poison the blood, and with the bloodstream, the rest of your system. Over the years, even with proper living, your body may have accumulated toxins through absorption (e.g. chemicals from plastics, fertilizers, synthetic fabrics), inhalation (e.g. air pollutants, cigarette smoke), ingestion (eg chemicals in food, antibiotics, pharmaceuticals) and radiation (eg mobile phones, computers, satellite transmissions). Fortunately, your body is born with a system that is constantly recycled through billions of cells, blood and bones. Unfortunately, the recycling process is often hindered by the presence of toxins.
Detoxification by removing toxins and wastes between cells and at their junctions, will cleanse the body from the inside by transporting toxins and removing them from the body.
There are several ways to detox:
Water fasting
Fasting is a good detox. Pure water is the best and simplest way to detox. Start weekly with a one day water fast (no solid food only pure water). First, for one day. Then extend your daily fast to three days, or even longer.
Day by day, the hunger gradually begins to disappear. (If you can handle the hunger pangs on the first day, you'll make it, the first step is usually the hardest).
Treat your hunger with fruit and vegetable juice and plenty of water.
Juice fasting
Fasting with fresh herbal juices is psychologically less severe and more tolerable for many. You can try the juice first before starting the pure water fast. Beet, celery, parsley, and wheat grass juices, flavored by adding carrots and apples, are the most ideal for detoxification. However, juice fasting is not as effective as pure water fasting.
Foods for detoxification
Young shoots alpha alpha – With concentrated phytochemicals, young alfalfa sprouts have great potential for detoxification. Add the young alfalfa sprouts to your salad or soup.
Beetroot – Beetroot detoxifies the blood and your liver is a very powerful blood cleanser for detoxification. Include it in your salad or juice.
Burdock– a known anti-cancer agent tea. It helps the kidneys filter uric acid from your bloodstream. It is eaten like a vegetable, just like the Japanese do in their daily diet.
Green barley – green barley is a green cereal grass rich in chlorophyll to catalyze carbon dioxide, thus allowing the detoxification of anaerobic bacteria.
Drink a glass of green barley juice daily.
Raw rice – the protein in raw rice is essential in tissue detoxification. Rice is very handy, you can even use it to make dessert. Eat uncooked rice daily (not white rice!).
Other plants and herbs that help are black walnut which oxygenates the blood to kill parasites, the Cascara sagrada (laxative for the bowels), h dandelion which stimulates the function in the liver and o fennel seed which heals intestinal ulcers. THE Echinacea which boosts immunity and Indian rhubarb root which improves digestion. THE licorice neutralizes indigestion acid, o milk thistle cures kidney and liver diseases. Also the Psyllium husk to protect and strengthen the liver, also cleanses the intestine, and red clover purifies the blood and soothes the nervous system.
Hydrotherapy involves the alternating application of hot and cold water aimed at increasing blood flow to different tissues of your body. The elimination of waste by opening pores in your skin is achieved through digestion by increased blood flow to your intestines and by relaxing your chest and abdomen (the filtering organs).
Hydrotherapy is recommended at least once a week for detoxification.
Physical exercise
Exercise not only stimulates blood circulation and the movement of lymphatic fluids, but also promotes the reduction of stored fat in the body, thus helping to facilitate the removal of toxins stored in your body.
Exercise regularly, if not daily.
Scrub your entire body daily with a natural bristle brush to remove dead cells and rid your body of toxins that accumulate in pores. Over time, you will get used to the initial feeling of the abrasive effect of brushing. Brush your body well before your daily bath.
Special foot pads
According to Chinese medical knowledge, the human body has more than 360 acupuncture points, many of which are located on the soles of the feet. Your feet, also known as the “second heart” in Chinese medicine, contain the reflex zones of your internal organs where your toxins accumulate and dissolve. For centuries, Chinese medical study has held the view that due to gravity, toxins tend to go downward in your body during the day, and accumulate at the tips of the toes down to the ankles. Put the special pads on your feet before going to bed, take them off when you wake up. The discoloration of the bandages indicates the amount of toxins being removed from your body. You will be surprised how many toxins are removed through your feet.
In Chinese medicine, disharmony is the root of all disease. The Asian health system is based on the philosophy of yin and yang, which balance and complement each other for harmony – the foundation of natural healing. The Chinese concept of yin and yang is essentially a balance of acid and alkaline levels in your body for natural healing and wellness.
The Buddha said, “There are nine causes for the premature, unexpected end of human life. The first five of these are related to one's diet, and the rest are related to inappropriate behavior." Nutritional wisdom emphasizes the revitalization of yin and yang through a healthy lifestyle, balance, harmony, and moderation.
In addition to good health, follow the following simple tips for proper nutrition:
- do not eat what is not allowed
- you should not overdo it
- eat according to tradition or habit
- do not eat if you have not fully digested the previous meal
- do not retain undigested food.

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