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Face Yoga Alexandra Vekiari

Face Yoga Alexandra Vekiari

Face Yoga. Ο εναλλακτικός τρόπος, ολιστικής προσέγγισης, για να διατηρήσετε το πρόσωπό σας υγιές και νεανικό. Τελευταία, ακούτε γι΄αυτήν, όλο και πιο συχνά. Τι είναι, όμως, αυτό που κάνει τη Face Yoga, όχι μόνο μια «γυμναστική για το πρόσωπο»; Υπάρχει, πλέον, ένας τρόπος εναλλακτικός, ασφαλής, φυσικός για να παγώσετε το χρόνο! Να πάρετε την κατάσταση –κυριολεκτικά- στα χέρια σας και να διατηρήσετε το πρόσωπό σας σφριγηλό, ξεκούραστο και όμορφο. Είναι η μέθοδος antiaging Face Yoga. Practically, it is a combination of exercises, proper breathing, pressure (acupressure) and massage on all muscle groups of the face and neck, thanks to which heaviness and relaxation (signs of aging) are treated and unwanted wrinkles are prevented. Behind all this, as the first to teach, is Madame Ninon de L'Enclos who in 1710 published in a pamphlet the first exercises for the face, to support the magical formulas of her beautician, Jeanne Sauval. However, to return to the present, according to very recent scientific research, just as it happens to the body if it does not exercise (the muscles become soft and our movement becomes difficult), the same happens to our face and its 57 muscles. They may, of course, be of small surface area and may not "show" the spectacular effect of trained abs, but the benefits we get from training them and which begin to be seen in the first 2-3 weeks are priceless.
With Face Yoga:

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Muscles are exercised and strengthened. Blood and oxygen circulation is stimulated. Collagen and elastin production is activated. Wrinkles and expression lines are softened and prevented. The flow of energy is restored. Fatigue and tension go away. The expression softens and the features stand out. The texture of the skin and the outline of the face are improved.
And all this during sessions-lessons, individual or group, which also improve your mood - the exercises of Face Yoga are in the majority extremely fun - as it needs to be preceded by proper training. In this way, everyone will learn to work without "creasing" their face, but will also identify their own, personal needs. Then 5 minutes is enough, as long as you save them on a daily basis. It's never too late or too early, you're never too old or too young for Face Yoga. You can always and you can everywhere. Even while driving or ironing or working in front of the computer. As soon as you wake up or just before you go to sleep. As Face Yoga Specialist, Alexandra Vekiari, tells us "Face Yoga is modus vivendi. If you don't get past it, it will become necessary for you. First of all, you will learn to use the muscles of the face correctly and thus you will avoid repeated wrong reflexive movements and expressions that leave unwanted and indelible marks on the face. Your face will become radiant and you will rediscover the beauty that you had… pushed away. You will love what you see in the mirror. And together you will take off your self-confidence and mood. It's not about vanity. It's a matter of quality of life." Here's why soon everyone will be doing Face Yoga, not only in the bathroom but also in the subway!
* Alexandra Vekiari is a face yoga specialist, certified by the International Holistic Medicine College and Areti Kafantari/Flow Center, while she has attended seminars with the World Leading Face Yoga Expert, Danielle Collins. She has left behind Political Science, Journalism, Communication, Magazines, Books and half a dozen languages, after serving them for many years with dedication and consistency.

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Many thanks to Mrs. Alexandra Vekiari Face Yoga Alexandra Vekiari
beauty@spa-about.gr / Eleni Karatza

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