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Four spa treatments you must try this Spring

Four spa treatments you must try this Spring

Four treatments spa to enhance beauty and wellness to bring out the most beautiful version of yourself this summer.
Spa is not just luxury. It's a sweet relaxation that helps you detox and get back in shape.

For relief: Deep tissue massage

If you're feeling a little tired from working out, take advantage of this treatment that can boost your well-being with an indulgent massage.
Try it: Deep tissue massage is more precise and energetic than traditional massage, meaning that areas of pain or tension are opened up and stimulated in order to heal.

For the skin: Li'tya sea salt body buff -Facial treatments and peeling body

Choose the Li'tya sea salt body buff body scrub that deeply cleanses the skin and leaves it smooth and soft, just in time for the hot days.
In addition to feeling great, body scrubs and facials remove dead skin cells, impurities and oil from the skin, opening pores and allowing the underlying healthier layers of skin to breathe.

For complete detoxification: Li'tya pure detox - Physiotherapy

Choose the ultimate detox by booking one of our own treatments. Li'tya pure detox is a complete detox experience that includes body exfoliation, with desert salts and Detox Oil, Juniper & lemon myrtle oil blend and lymphatic massage to help eliminate toxins.
Full body treatments use advanced massage techniques to eliminate toxins, stimulating your body and mind with relaxation, balance, muscle tension and breath control.

For pain relief: Li'tya kodo rocks -Massage with hot stones

If you haven't tried Li'tya kodo rocks yet, you have no idea how many benefits you're missing out on. The healing properties of the stones relieve the muscles, giving the body spiritual and mental peace.
Many people consider hot stone massage not a luxury, but a necessity to maintain their well-being. The practice of hot stone massage, originally used by Native Americans to treat muscle pain, provides a soothing and pain-relieving effect. It dilates the blood vessels, relieving pain and promoting the much-desired deep relaxation.
From his team Holmes Place & Spa

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