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Exercises for sciatica

Exercises for sciatica

What is sciatica?
Sciatica is not just a pain in the back or legs, once a problem arises, it can cause debilitating pain and frustration in your daily life. Sedentary life is one of the main causes of causing such diseases.
Exercises for sciatica
If you think you may be suffering from sciatica, try the following stretches and exercises for pain relief. Practicing these 4 exercises up to twice a day will surely bring you much needed relief from the difficult pain of sciatica.
Stretching in a supine position

2016 06 09 1
Lie on your back and cross your left leg over your right in the air with your knees bent. Pass the hands behind the right thigh and pull the knee towards the chest. The elbows should be open, the shoulders relaxed and the left knee should remain open. Hold the stretch for 30 seconds and repeat on the other side.
Stretching in a sitting position

2016 06 09 2
In a sitting position bring the left leg to cross over the stretched right leg which
is on the floor. The sole of the left foot must step on the outside of the right knee. I place my right elbow to hug the left knee with my hands clasped and my back straight. Hold the stretch for 30-60 seconds and repeat on the other side.
Pigeon pose

2016 06 09 32016 06 09 4
From a kneeling position (knees bent with pelvis resting on heels), I bring the left leg straight behind me and the right knee bent at a right angle in front of me. The right hip turns out. Try to keep your pelvic bones "looking" straight ahead and your torso upright. The fingers of the hands rest in front of the right foot. Hold the position for five to ten breaths, then switch to the other side.
A few words about anatomy

2016 06 09
The sciatic nerve passes through or under a small but powerful muscle located deep within the gluteal muscles, the apioid. The apioid helps with rotational movements of the hips. If for some reason this muscle becomes too tight with muscle spasms, it can interfere with the course of the sciatic nerve causing tremendous pain, numbness and tingling in the lower extremities.

More tips at Physiomel Physiotherapy - Pilates - Yoga

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