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Thermal Natural Resource of Agios Fokas

Spa Natural Resource

Thermal Natural Resource of Agios Fokas

Thermal Natural Resource of Agios Fokas

The hot spring of Agios Fokas is located on the southeast side of the island of Kos, in the coastal zone, at a distance of 4 km southwest of the cape of Ag. Foka and by road 12.5 km from Kos town. Kos is a large island and offers intense emotions to visitor who will decide to browse it.

The spring water temperature is 45-46The C. Characterization: Superheated chlorinated thermal water of the municipality of Kos

Greek antiquities, Roman villas, medieval knightly castles, hot springs, green slopes, are just some of what the visitor can enjoy in Kos. Hippocrates, father of Medical science, was born in Kos and established the art of hydrotherapy. In Kos we find one of the largest Asklepiia of antiquity.

Spa Natural Resource

In front of the hot spring stretches a wonderful beach, although access to the area remains difficult due to the topography. At the end of the beach of Agios Fokas, the spring flows into the sea, after previously forming a large natural warm "pool", which is visited by many people.

Thermal water

The spring water temperature is 45-46The C

Characterization: Superheated chlorinated thermal water of the municipality of Kos

Therapeutic indications: Bath therapy for diseases of the musculoskeletal and covering system.


Tel.: 2242360400

Website: www.kos.gov.gr

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