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Learn how to get rid of belly fat

Learn how to get rid of belly fat

Local belly fat is of great concern to many people! So, we've put together some smart and simple tips to get rid of it once and for all!

  1. First, you need to increase your metabolism by avoiding junk food that has very little nutritional value and a lot of calories.
  2. Exercise is essential and is a solution for reducing localized fat. The morning time is suitable because it helps to increase the metabolism.
  3. Refined grains, such as white bread, crackers and chips, as well as refined sugar in drinks and sweets increase inflammation. Belly fat is associated with inflammation, so eating a lot of processed foods hinders the ability to lose belly fat. Fat-dissolving foods are necessary for the problem and luckily in Greece we have many! Prefer apples, lemon, orange, cucumber, pepper, black bread, carrots, blueberries and mustard, which when included in the daily diet, increase the burning of the body.
  4. In addition, try to eat your breakfast early in the morning ideally within an hour of waking up and make sure you eat small and frequent meals so you don't leave your stomach empty to achieve an increase in calories.
  5. Manage stress with yoga and breathing exercises. You should know that cortisol levels have been associated with insulin resistance and abdominal obesity. Therefore, stress, among other things, also leads to the accumulation of fat in the abdomen.
  6. Finally, don't forget to use your body wherever and whenever you can! He replaced the car with walking for short distances and the stairs and the elevator.

Boxeat more than diet

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