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Acne in pregnancy

Acne in pregnancy

Acne in pregnancy

One in two pregnant women will develop acne. If a woman had severe acne between the ages of 12 and 23, there is a possibility that it will appear acne in the first trimester of pregnancy. Acne in pregnancy

It is also possible for those who did not go through acne in their teenage years to face such a problem during pregnancy. If acne has appeared in the first pregnancy, it is more likely that acne will appear in subsequent pregnancies.

Acne during pregnancy is due to the increase in the level of male and female hormones. Both produce, to varying degrees, androgens. In women, androgens are produced in the ovaries, adrenal glands, and fatty tissue and are converted into estrogen and progesterone.

Hormones start circulating in the female body during puberty and play an important role in teenage acne. Androgen levels change throughout life and are known to overstimulate the sebaceous glands and correlate with the intensity of the acne problem. Androgens play an important role in reproduction.

Acne in pregnancy

During the first trimester of pregnancy, there is a dramatic increase in estrogen and progesterone levels, which are essential for the baby's development. The rapid increase in these hormones causes changes in the body, including acne, melasma, nausea.

Contraindications During Pregnancy

Due to most of the natural oils produced by the increase in hormones during pregnancy, sebum is produced in excess. The shed skin cells combine with the sebum produced and accumulate in the hair follicles. This is the perfect environment for bacteria to grow and lead to acne. Treatments for acne during pregnancy are limited due to potential adverse effects on the fetus.

One of the most effective anti-acne treatments, isotretinoin (a derivative of vitamin A), has been designated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in pregnancy category X due to causing significant problems at birth. The following drugs are contraindicated for a pregnant woman and it is strictly defined in the instructions that pregnancy does not occur when taking them: absorica, amsteem, claravis, myorisan, and sotret.

Although there is no written evidence for the safety of using topical retinoids during pregnancy, it is best to avoid their use. This includes topical use of products that include vitamin A retinol palmitate, vitamin A retinol propionate, and retinoic acid.

Oral tetracycline, doxycycline, minocycline and tetracycline class antibiotics commonly used to treat acne are also not safe during pregnancy as they affect bone growth and tooth coloring in the fetus.

Article by phformula dermatological skin resurfacing

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