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The 7 miracles of green tea

The 7 miracles of green tea

Green tea. A decoction with a long tradition and infinite beneficial properties for health.

"A cup of tea would restore normality," said Douglas Adams in the sci-fi comedy Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. He had finally discovered something. It seems that regular consumption of green tea works wonders for the body. In the time.com we read seven ways green tea will:

  1. It is good for bones. More than milk. Green tea could slow the process of age-related osteoporosis and significantly reduce the risk of fractures, according to research published in the scientific journal "Nutrition Research". Women who drank up to three cups of tea a day were 30% less likely to experience osteoporosis-related fractures, according to the finding.
  2. It can help prevent cancer. Cancer rates are lower in countries such as Japan where green tea is the most widely consumed drink, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. And while scientists cannot be sure whether tea alone is responsible for the low levels of cancer, this drink is known to contain substances famous for their antioxidant activity. These chemicals can protect cells' DNA from damage—one of the first steps in cancer cell growth. In addition, green tea has properties that can protect against UV radiation, which is the first cause of skin cancer.
  3. It helps to maintain a normal weight. In fact, it can even reduce body fat. According to a 12-week study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, green tea extract can reduce obesity and diseases related to it, such as diabetes.
  4. Green tea also affects cholesterol. Green tea has been linked to lower levels of LDL, the "bad" cholesterol, according to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. In general, tea drinkers have slightly lower LDL levels than non-green tea drinkers.
  5. It has been observed that those who drink green tea have stronger gums, with significantly reduced cases of gingivitis, at least this is what researchers at a Japanese university claim. In a research they did they found that the more tea someone consumed the less periodontitis symptoms there were. Therefore, two or more cups of green tea daily can have an impact on oral hygiene as well.
  6. It reduces the risk of heart disease. This is supported by scientists at the Harvard Medical School. This opinion is reinforced by the results of a large survey carried out in Japan on a sample of 40,000 people, as it was found that the risk of death from heart attack or stroke was 26% lower for those who drink tea regularly. It should be noted that the participants in this research consumed at least five cups of green tea per day. So refill your cup now and ensure your heart's health!
  7. Get energy injections with green tea! Even those trying to reduce their caffeine intake can enjoy the energy benefits of green tea, as one cup of green tea contains 24-56 milligrams of caffeine compared to 95-200 in a cup of coffee! The tea therefore gives energy without the headaches, jitters and nausea that come with too much caffeine. And that little injection of caffeine can increase exercise endurance, according to another study published in the American Review of Physiology. Whether you're into sports or just want something to lift you up, make a green tea even and enjoy responsibly!


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