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Cellulitis and Nutrition

Cellulitis and Nutrition

Even women with an ideal weight face the problem of cellulite, due to poor local perfusion of the adipose tissue.
As far as the nutritional treatment of the problem is concerned, simply adopt the following habits:
Increase water: especially in the summer months our body needs a lot of water throughout the day.
Avoid soft drinks and a lot of coffee: they worsen the situation since they cause retention.
Reduced alcohol intake: e.g. beer- as, due to the inhibition of antidiuretic hormone, they induce higher diuresis and greater fluid loss.
Daily use of fruits and vegetables: They will help you detoxify, fill you up and fill you with essential vitamins and trace elements.
Reduced intake of fat, especially animal or saturated fat: Say no to fatty meats, fried foods, mayonnaise and cream, cured meats, animal butter, eggs, whole milk and cheese products. And use olive oil, vegetable oils, fatty fish and low-fat dairy, but also in moderation!
Reduced intake of simple sugars (carbohydrates): simple sugars should be limited e.g. sugar. Hide in the cupboard foods such as sweets, biscuits, candies, jams, chocolates but also white bread etc. and include wholemeal foods and lots of fiber in your daily routine.
Reduced salt: salt causes fluid retention. Thus, the excessive addition of salt to food should be limited, as well as pickles and preserves!
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