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Sugaring is the new hair removal trend. It looks like our well-known waxing, but it is less painful, more "healthy" and sweet. Sugar epilation or Persian epilation is a method of hair removal that has been in use since 1900 BC, it is known as Sukkar or Halawa in the Middle East. A gel created from sugar, lemon and warm water.
In essence, it is a replacement for wax made from simple home-made materials. You can make it yourself with 4 ingredients:
2 cups of white sugar
1/2 cup lemon juice
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup salt
Put all the ingredients and boil them in a pot. On low heat, it is important that the mixture boils but as slowly as possible. Stir well while boiling. We take a white plate or bowl and pour a drop of the mixture we make, on the white we can see that its color has turned yellow and a thick paste has been created. As soon as we see this we turn off the fire. Let the mixture cool until we can touch the dish.
At the end, put it in a jar and let it cool to room temperature. Our mixture is ready. It is very easy to reheat in a bain-marie or in the microwave. It must be allowed to cool thoroughly before use to avoid unpleasant burns.


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