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Pool swimming program for pregnant women

Pool swimming program for pregnant women

Take the hassle out of pregnancy and stay fit safely with this 'cool' pool workout routine.

Grandma's crumpled swimming cap can stay in the closet as this water exercise program is anything but old fashioned. "It's for people who want a more dynamic workout in the water," says Sara Kooperman, a trainer and fitness instructor who created the popular Water in Motion program that mixes yoga, Pilates and dance. movements. Kooperman developed the program after a skiing injury.

When you exercise in the water, your abdominal muscles are activated and lengthened in an effort to keep you balanced. The buoyancy of the water helps you achieve certain poses more easily (for example in yoga, the Warrior III pose) that you might not be able to hold as well on the ground, while at the same time providing you with toning benefits and allowing for deeper stretches. "You can move according to your own agility levels, without being limited by a machine or gravity holding you down," says Kooperman.

"While everyone can benefit from low-intensity exercise that's better for the joints, water exercise is ideal for pregnant women," says Kooperman. The cool, relaxing water environment allows you to perform more repetitions compared to exercising on land. This means you can challenge yourself, however the support provided by the water makes those extra reps safer for example. In addition, the water pressure helps to soothe the swelling of the limbs, a particularly uncomfortable situation for any pregnant woman. "As you move your arms and legs against the resistance of the water," says Kooperman, "it feels like someone is giving you a massage."

Don't forget to drink fluids while exercising in the water. Kooperman points out, "In the water, you don't feel like you're sweating, but you're still losing fluids." Dehydration can lead to uterine contractions, so keep a bottle of water close by and take small sips often. Kooperman also advises against wearing a sports cap because your head heat needs to dissipate in order to stay cool. But wear a big hat and sunscreen suitable for pregnant women.

You will need the so-called sea spaghetti as well as special shoes for extra protection, traction and resistance. For ideal resistance and buoyancy, the water should be at chest height. Repeat each exercise slowly, doing 10 to 20 repetitions and resting between each one. Breathe deeply and keep the core muscles "on".

Saltamanikas Nikolas
Your AQUA spot program manager
Graduated from the Department of Science of Physical Education & Sports of the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens /Ed. Swimming of all categories

Master, Physical Education (Sport Management) LUC
FOUNDER / www.pool-about.gr / Pool ABOUT SALON - EXPO

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