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How to choose the right sunscreen

the right sunscreen

How to choose the right sunscreen

We should all be wearing sunscreen. But have you ever thought about which one is right for you? The following mini-guide will help you solve your queries. the right sunscreen
The following tips we have collected will help you choose the right sunscreen, from the wide variety available on the market, and save you from dilemmas and wrong decisions.

We choose sunscreen:

A. Depending on our skin type
Sunscreen with an index above 20: If you have very fair skin that does not tan, but burns very easily.
Sunscreen with an index of 15 to 20: If you have fair skin, which is quite sensitive and tans very little, while it burns relatively easily.

Sunscreen with an index of 10 – 15: If you have less fair skin, relatively resistant to the sun, which tans relatively easily.
Sunscreen with an index of 5-10: If you have moderately dark skin that tans easily and doesn't burn often.
Sunscreen with an index lower than 6: If you are dark-skinned with skin that tans very easily and does not burn, except in extreme exposure.

the right sunscreen

B. For each… type

For children: For older children e.grecommend a children's sunscreen with a protection index of more than 30, depending on their skin type, while for the little ones prefer a sunscreen of more than 50 or with total protection (it is written on the total block or ecran total package). To make it easy for your child to apply sunscreen if they don't want to, try sunscreen sprays or creams in colorful packaging, which kids will find more fun, and try to make the process like a game.

For those with acne: In case that your skin suffers from allergies, acne or rosacea, you should avoid products containing preservatives or fragrances, as well as those containing PABA or oxybenzone.
For those with dry skin: Dry skin can benefit from moisturizing action provided by the sunscreen. However, there are also more specialized products. Many moisturizing ingredients are used in sunscreens, such as lanolin, oils or dimethicone. Moisturizing sunscreens usually come in cream or lotion form. Look for relevant terms on their label (eg hydration, moisturizing effect, etc.).
Useful tips for everyone:

  • Avoid exposure to the sun during the hours when solar radiation is most intense, between 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
  • Use a sunscreen with a protection index suitable for your skin type according to what we mentioned above.
  • Don't forget to reapply your sunscreen every time you sweat or dive into the sea. With sweat and water, the sunscreen is removed and provides less protection.
  • Before applying sunscreen wipe your skin. Sunscreen on dry skin is absorbed better.


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