What exercises are suitable for overweight people people in the pool? What type of training would be appropriate for them to start? Swimming exercises and nutrition advice
At first always with help of an expert and NOT an experienced coach

Most pool workouts have a specific structure.
Warm-up: 12 25s either breaststroke or a combination of breaststroke, freestyle and backstroke.
Focus: some swimming exercises to get a feel for the water. The feel of the water is an important aspect of being able to enjoy swimming. It is usually done with four lengths of freestyle.
Main practice: here work is usually done on styling technique, which needs slight improvement. We usually alternate pool distances with swimming styles, or focus on a particular style and try to execute it correctly while swimming a few short distances.
Endurance: depending on the time left, we do a set of between 20 and 30 lengths without stopping.
Speed: sometimes we add a few short high-intensity fast swims to train for speed which brings fast repetitions in the arms and legs and of course little fatigue.
Swimming exercises and nutrition advice
Relaxation: some relaxed distances on the front and back.
Attention to the anterior aspect of our weight, sometimes we happen to have severe pain, at the slightest discomfort, we stop!
The most important thing for someone who is overweight is to start and find pleasure in swimming sessions. The problem with swim workouts is that they can get kind of boring. That is why it would be better not to confuse the exercises with swimming in the different styles.
If you want to lose weight, it would be good to swim three times a week for at least half an hour and forty-five minutes. You could also do some exercises and swim in each session. The process of learning and perfecting the swimming drills for each style will keep you interested for several months.
The best frequency is three times a week because that is what it takes to develop a good relationship with water, make progress and therefore stay motivated. This will also give the body a chance to start burning fat. More than three times a week might be tiring.
Of course, the best thing would be for everyone to find their own pace based on their capabilities and the help of their Graduate with a fitness specialty.

Finally, it is known that the best results come when the right exercise is combined with the right diet. Ideally, it would be a set of nutritional guidelines that you should follow long-term, rather than a short-term diet that you follow for a few weeks.
The basic rules are to avoid processed foods, sugar, dairy, grains/grains and legumes, and add fruits, nuts, vegetables, healthy fats, pasture-fed meat, wild game, wild fish and seafood. And of course you should avoid sugar and grains, which seem to be the main causes of obesity in Western culture.

So the number one tip to lose weight is to have a balanced diet and at the same time gentle but regular exercise such as swimming three times a week.
Good luck!
Swimming exercises and nutrition advice
Saltamanikas Nikolas
TEFAA graduate, swimming specialty
Class A swimming coach
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