According to a survey of women in America by Gail W. Testa in 2000, 13% of the population suffer from migraines.
80% sufferers rate pain from severe to unbearable, while 25% resorts to emergencies. The diagnosis is made by a doctor based on symptoms and family history.
Women experience migraines three times more often than men.
This research examines the effect of Reflexology on headaches and migraines.
It is a chronic disorder that causes headache, increased pressure, visual disturbances, nausea, fatigue, etc.
The result is reduced performance at work and in daily activities.
The ages of the cases ranged from 20-60 years with a physician diagnosis where they had tried medication with 68% reporting better performance in daily activities.
Migraines occurred from 1 time a week to 2-3 times a month.
Δεχόντουσαν reflexology 1 φορά την εβδομάδα για 12 συνεδρίες.
Most felt relief from the third week, while after 12 weeks they rarely had migraines with much less intensity and for a very short period of time, which did not force them to be absent from work or affect their daily life.
Nowadays there are specialized headache centers in private and public hospitals where a diagnosis can be made and alternative treatments suggested.
Massaha Wellness
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