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The first grape cosmetics

The first grape cosmetics

The first Lenga Grape Spa grape cosmetics

The first grape cosmetics, with the stamp and know-how of the well-known Greek winery, Avadis estate.

Absolutely excellent. I bow to the majesty and power of Nature.

2015-12-19 (19)
The 20-year winemaking tradition combined with the scientific staff, allows us to efficiently extract all the natural antioxidant components from the grape. This is how we develop the Lenga series, which offers you the richest antioxidant protection, hydration and renewal that your skin needs to always be and look young and radiant.

2015-12-19 (18)
The Lenga Grapes Spa they do not contain parabens, petroleum derivatives, dyes, or allergenic ingredients. Our intention is to produce as ecological products as possible, tending to the 100% of natural composition.
All our products undergo microbiological and dermatological tests and are not tested on animals.

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