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Solarium Halandri and Beauty


Solarium Halandri and Beauty Book online

    Solarium Halandri and Beauty Book online

      Solarium Halandri and Beauty


      In the beauty area Solarium Halandri and Beauty you will achieve the look of the stars! At special, affordable prices and with super offers!

      We all know that positive feeling of well-being and optimism, which we bring with us from the summer holidays.
      We are more relaxed, we show more beautiful and healthy with a sporty look, as we radiate charm from the beneficial influence of the sun on our skin.
      Can we maintain this wonderful inner and outer influence without winter taking it away from us?

      The answer is: YES!
      and the way is: SOLARIUM in the Solarium Halandri and Beauty




      • Emotional and physical well-being
        • Beautiful and sporty appearance
        • Treated skin
        • Covering extra pounds
        • Strengthening of vitamin D & D3 which are particularly important thanks to their beneficial effects on the bones, the good functioning of the heart, the blood and in general the human cells and body
        • It causes a reduction of myalgias and Rheumatic problems
        • It has positive effects in the treatment against Osteoporosis
        • It has a positive effect on metabolism, blood pressure and cholesterol level.
        • Natural and lasting tan, without frequent make-up
        • Protection from harmful UVA & UVB sun rays
        • Fighting stress, improving mental and mental health (since it helps the secretion of serotonin and endorphins).
        • Confidence, positive energy and optimism all year round
        • Treatment of skin diseases (psoriasis, vitiligo)

      Dermatologists recommend Solarium often for diseases such as vitiligo and psoriasis.

      With the Solarium we are weather independent!
      Every moment of my free time is tan time.
      We can easily make appointments for tanning during the day!
      On your lunch break, after work, on the weekend.
      Just for tanning, we don't need to plan far in advance long trips to sunny beaches, on the contrary, we tan much more comfortably and relaxed next to our house!
      Perfect tan, as and when you want!

      Tanning and health:

      Every summer we are bombarded by sun care brochures urging us to have as little exposure to the sun's rays as possible and at the same time to use sunscreens with high protection indices.
      Combined mainly with the rapid reduction of atmospheric ozone in recent years, this prolonged exposure to the sun is sure to pose serious risks.
      The sun emits a wide range of visible and invisible rays, the UVA, the UVB and them UVC.
      The UVA they cause tanning and what follows (skin aging) while they are able to have sometimes beneficial and sometimes harmful effects, which are due to the duration of exposure to the sun.
      The UVB are absorbed by common glasses, they are responsible for its composition vitamin D.
      While they treat skin diseases, they also cause burns, premature aging and even skin cancer. Finally the UVC, they do not reach the surface of the earth, since the atmosphere absorbs 99% of them and they do not reach us. The risks of prolonged exposure to the sun are many, such as severe or less severe burns, sunstroke and heat stroke, premature aging of the skin, paracancerous skin diseases, skin cancer and photodermatitis (seen in medically monitored people exposed to the sun).
      Also people with a weakened immune system and very fair skin or with extensive vitiligo should be especially careful. Of course, in addition to the now known artificial ways of protection, there are also natural ones, such as that of melanin.
      This natural shield is produced by melanocytes and is deposited on the skin absorbing the rays UVB.
      The skin of brunettes produces large amounts of melanin, so they tan more quickly, unlike blondes, who usually burn or take a long time to get the desired tan.

      What happens to us when we tan:

      There are basically two types of tans.
      On the surface of the skin, just below the cornea, are the so-called tan granules.
      These granules reflect long-wave ultraviolet radiation (UVA), as emitted by the sun or Solarium.
      And then things happen:
      A direct gray-brown tan occurs, which disappears after a day.
      A red-brown pigment is formed. This tan is also the real one, which lasts for weeks and months depending on the skin type.
      Then, while the sun tans the tanning grains that are already there, as we previously described, a second process starts at the same time:
      UVA radiation reaches the deepest layer and hits the tan cells. These are activated to create new tan granules. The new tan is now slowly rising upwards and can turn tan in a few days. This is how the tan deepens.

      What you need to know about Solarium sessions:

      • Eye protection:

      We should protect the eyes during UVA radiation,
      closing the eyes or even better, covering them with protective glasses.

      • Maximum duration of exposure in a modern Solarium:

      First we can start from 4 and get to the 20 minutes, which are perfectly sufficient for a good tan. Continuity depends on the UVA and UVB radiation emitted by the machines.

      • How many visits to the Solarium are needed for a deep tan:

      Here a distinction should be made according to skin type. Because a particularly light-skinned type will never be able to acquire the tan of a dark-skinned Mediterranean type.
      For skin type 1 & 2: 10 to 12 exposures until it gets an obvious and lasting tan.
      For skin type 3 & 4: 2 to 7 exposures until it gets an obvious and lasting tan.
      As a basic rule, burns must be avoided.
      In the highly sensitive types (1), it is better not to occur at all.

      • We do not wear jewelry:

      For two reasons:
      The first reason is to avoid white lines.
      The second is that there is a possibility, combined with the sweat that will be generated and the type of material of the jewelry, that irritations will form on the skin.

      • What should we pay attention to before the first visit:

      The first time you should behave as you would when we were in natural sunlight and in subsequent sun treatments:
      You must not use deodorants, perfumes or cosmetics, because they can cause rashes or rashes on the skin. The use of cosmetics protecting against light should also be avoided. When using medicines you should carefully read the instructions for use or ask your doctor.


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