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Familiarity with the EFT or tapping method

Familiarity with the EFT or tapping method

Alexandra Vekiari explains to us what the EFT (Emotioanl Freedom Technique) method is. It is an alternative treatment that combines pressure therapy with modern psychotherapy in order to reduce the levels of cortisol (cortisol is considered the stress hormone par excellence) in the body and consequently anxiety. They are strokes with the fingers of the hand on the points where acupressure is applied, while at the same time you say the problem that concerns you. It helps to improve immunity, digestion, sports performance, sleep, circulation, mental clarity and energy beyond, of course, its anxiolytic action.

2016 05 16 5
How is it possible? With the tips of your index and middle fingers, rhythmically tap the points on the blueprint while saying out loud the problem that is stressing you (eg a stressful deadline or stress from a persistent headache) as you would to a friend.
After going through all the points, take a deep breath and repeat as many times as you want or until you feel better.
Face Yoga Alexandra Vekiari

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