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The child is the star of the swimming lesson

The child is the star of the swimming lesson

There is no better experience than practicing in a family pool. However, although water offers endless fun for toddlers, as parents you should have taken all precautions so that the child does not enter the pool without you. Young children cannot have a sense of danger. Therefore, adults are responsible for protecting these little curious and spontaneous explorers from entering the water unsupervised. Fortunately, there are many prevention methods that offer great protection and help minimize the risk, in the event that the child accidentally falls into the water. Supervision combined with artificial barriers, double locks without a doorknob, water alarms, perimeter fencing as well as swimming and first aid/water safety lessons can create a safe environment for children.

"Building the stage for the water show..."
Very young children especially from 6 months to 4 years old need special care and treatment.
We need to learn the needs of each child allowing them to become familiar with water at their own pace. To optimize learning, we combine an interactive training program with a well-organized and highly spontaneous lesson. We build it through games, songs, laughter and enjoyable activities, creating a warm, loving and safe environment.

Swimming for children and babies has many benefits, it is something like sunken treasures that invite us to discover them. In order to reveal these treasures, we must build the stage for the water show, in other words shape the lesson according to the level of experience and understanding of the children taking part. Children should receive whatever information – and only what their age allows them to understand – when they are relaxed and ready. Patience, consistency, play, repetition, commitment and necessarily the right parenting are the pillars of a successful program.

However, these "watery" treasures may remain forever hidden if we do not treat babies with dignity, understanding, respect and reward. Education must be done with the child as a point of reference, that is, the children should be taught in the way they would like. Imposing adult demands as well as pressing time limits on children and toddlers creates turmoil, undue stress and denial on both sides. If the only goal is to teach the child to swim, essential knowledge can be lost on many other levels. Priority must be given to the positive development of the child's personality while his swimming skills are perfected according to his capabilities, readiness and mood.

Here are some…”NOT..”
Parents should never let panic rule during class time. The well-being of the child must never come second in order to achieve this goal.

Swimming lessons don't have to be boring and monotonous. Parents and educators should never use infants and toddlers to meet their own high expectations. Regardless of whether these feelings are created by fear of drowning, limited time, or simply impatience. Parents must know that they cannot live indirectly through their child's "swimming" achievements. Children need to feel safe, comfortable and trusted. Learning shouldn't be a race for the gold medal!

Often, these fear-fueled "absolute but tender" methods place more emphasis on "absolute" than "tender." An adult would not tolerate behaviors of absolute dominance towards him. Babies cannot refute such incidents. A baby's emotional well is deep! Be sure that the perception is sharp and absolute about what is happening to them. The only way they can express their despair is crying or other non-verbal symptoms.
Never forget… their fear is real!

Saltamanikas Nikolas
Your AQUA spot program manager
Graduated from the Department of Science of Physical Education & Sports of the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens /Ed. Swimming of all categories

Master, Physical Education (Sport Management) LUC
FOUNDER / www.pool-about.gr / Pool ABOUT SALON - EXPO

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