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Rehabilitation of the athlete

Rehabilitation of the athlete

Athlete Rehabilitation – See what guidelines to follow.

To aid in the required muscle replenishment after hard training or in situations of repeated training (doubles) or qualifiers, make sure you choose foods rich in carbohydrates, with a moderate protein content (supplements) that help rebuild muscle fibers and reduce muscle kamato.

The most common and probably incorrect tactic is to plan meals before and during grueling training sessions, but not post-competition meals. Thus, it is common for athletes to:

a) To consume particularly fatty foods such as doughnuts, fried potatoes, chips, hot-dogs, sweets, ice creams, cookies which are insufficient for muscle replenishment, as they are rich in calories, but not rich in quality carbohydrates, but in fat, b) To consume large amounts of protein and leave their body "empty" of carbohydrates. The ideal replenishment should follow most of the following steps:

i) Επικεντρωθείτε σε δημητριακά, ψωμί , όσπρια, fruit and vegetables.

Muscles do not replenish glycogen from fat and protein. So be sure to cover your carbs with foods like the ones above, and consider that a pasta dish probably works better than an omelette in your next race.

i) After intense training or competition make sure to consume at least 300-400 kcal from carbohydrates as soon as possible and for the next 2-6 hours.

(iii) Accompany the meal with a moderate amount of protein for optimal muscle replenishment. Typical examples:

  • Whole grain cereal with milk and fruit
  • Baguette with vegetables and milk
  • Spaghetti with minced meat or seafood

If you cannot consume solid food after training, fruit milkshakes or chocolate milk are a good choice.

iv) Drink enough fluids to quench your thirst and then maximize your fluid intake for the next 24-48 hours and check your hydration levels by the color of your urine.

v) Add more salt to your meals or eat foods rich in salt such as ready-made soups, salted crackers. So you will probably drink more water.

i) Consume foods rich in potassium, such as tomato, potato, banana

vii) Μετα-προπονητικά προτιμήστε τους φυσικούς χυμούς από τα αθλητικά ποτά. Είναι πλουσιότεροι σε κάλιο, vitamins και υδατάνθρακες σε αντίθεση με τα αθλητικά ποτά που είναι σχεδιασμένα με λιγότερους υδατάνθρακες και αραιωμένα για αποφυγή γαστρεντερικών διαταραχών κατά τη διάρκεια της άσκησης.

viii) Continue to consume large amounts of carbohydrates for at least 48 hours after grueling workouts or high-stress races. Muscles need their time to replenish glycogen sufficiently.

i) Take rest after grueling training or racing. Rest is an integral part of both training and recovery. It's not laziness or "loofah". Consider yourself investing in your future athletic performance!

Source: fitsn.gr

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