At Eonia you stay eternally new... A wonderful place of beauty and well-being in the center of Athens. Through a huge range of services, you will definitely find what you need with the help of the experienced staff. They will inform you about all the latest developments in the field of medical aesthetics, face and body treatments, but also relax you with a massage of your choice.
The Spa About found himself in the beauty department and was informed about everything. Mrs. Kounoveli Margarita showed us around the place, all the staff are very kind and ready to fulfill all your wishes.
We suggest you, now that you have returned from your vacation, to visit the place and enjoy comprehensive treatments for your face and body. We chose a comprehensive hydration treatment for the face that needs it so much after the summer. All treatments follow specific protocols.
Complete hydration treatment is what your face needs right now, put yourself in the expert hands of Francesca, who explains step by step what she does, what she uses and why. At the end you will enjoy a massage all over the face up to the décolleté.
Visit Eonia and find out what your skin, your face, your body needs most. One visit will convince you...
EONIA Skin & Health Clinic
Eleni Karatza
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