Gua Sha (gua sa) or therapeutic scraping.
Gua sha is a folk remedy used in Traditional Chinese Medicine both for the elimination of toxins and the relief of musculoskeletal problems in the body, but also for the renewal and rejuvenation of the connective tissue in the outer layers of the skin of the face and the creation of new capillaries .
Therapeutic principles – actions of Guasha in general:
Balancing Yin Yang
Activating the circulatory system
Regulation of the functioning of internal organs
Elimination of toxins
How is the therapeutic exfoliation technique performed for the face.
In this case, direct therapeutic scraping is used on the recipient's bare skin. A gentle application is made to the surface of the face using a specially sculpted plate made of buffalo horn, (and this to make the process completely natural and to avoid plastics), along with some organic lubricating oil such as almond oil, labdanum oil or some herbal cream etc. After applying the lubricant, scraping/exfoliation is applied to the skin, with a special technique and quick movements at the appropriate time for each part of the face.
What are the aesthetic results and why to do Guasha
The women of the East faithfully follow this ancient beauty technique and have included it in the daily ritual of personal facial care, with the aim of regeneration, prevention, anti-aging and of course the brightness of the face.
Θα λέγαμε πως είναι το φυσικό Botox της Ανατολής!
Μετά από μία συνεδρία Guasha, θα δείτε βελτίωση στον τόνο της επιδερμίδας, το πρόσωπο σας θα φωτίσει και ακολουθώντας τακτικά ένα πρόγραμμα τουλάχιστον 6 συνεδριών θα παρατηρήσετε πραγματική ανάπλαση του προσώπου. Αυτό επιτυγχάνεται λόγω της έντονης διέγερσης και της μικροκυκλοφορίας που προκαλείται με την peeling και την αποβολή των τοξινών.
Guasha improves mild acne and tightens pores on oily and combination skin. It is completely safe, natural, has no side effects and completely painless.
Μετά από αρκετή μελέτη εκπαίδευση και πειραματισμούς, αποφάσισαμε να δημιουργήσουμε μια μοναδική ολοκληρωμένη θεραπεία antiaging, ειδικά ενισχυμένη με ρολό νεφρίτη και λάδι Baobab.
After exfoliation with the special plate made of buffalo horn, we smooth and relieve the skin with the special roller made of energy mineral jade, thus activating all the acupuncture points of the face, enhancing the general relief and health of the body. Finally, deep hydration is done with Baobab oil .
Baobab oil is extracted from the rare beautiful and towering trees that only grow in Madagascar and South Africa.
Today it is considered the rarest, most effective and also the most expensive anti-aging oil on the planet. It is no coincidence that it is already used by many Hollywood stars, who follow alternative care methods.
Finally we combined three techniques in one treatment of total renewal and we present to you Guasha by Alopiliving.
So why get a chemical peel when you can try Guasha first?
Alopi Living
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