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Mommy Make Over by ABH Medical Group

Mommy Make Over by ABH Medical Group

During pregnancy, a woman's body changes significantly. A new life grows inside it and the "nest" that nature has created, is called upon to adapt to the new conditions. This means several changes both in the woman's weight and in her hormonal system which significantly affects her and creates changes in her external appearance as well.
Throughout pregnancy, these changes are of little importance in the face of the miracle that is being performed. But when the woman gives birth to her baby and her life gets back to normal, the changes she notices can make her feel that she has lost something of her womanhood, something of her femininity.

The breast after breastfeeding and the abdominal area, in several cases, show relaxation. Some extra pounds may accumulate in places that were not there before, while in general the image she has of her body does not satisfy her.

For some women this is insignificant, but for others it is important enough to affect their overall psychological state. In these cases, the science of Plastic Surgery can significantly intervene.

Dr. Athanasiou and the entire staff of ABH Medical Group can give you the right advice and solutions to quickly get back into your body and improve your image and your psychology after a pregnancy, with a series of invasive & non-invasive treatments. In detail: Breast Lift, Abdominoplasty, Liposuction, Treatment of varicose veins, Treatment of stretch marks, Facial scars, Treatment of acne, Vaginoplasty.

ABH Medical Group

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