The trends in beauty comes and goes but one that's not the case to never go out of style: the rich lips. your lips will look fuller
However, since nature has not gifted us all the same, there are some easy tips that we can follow in makeup to make our lips look fuller:
One of the oldest tricks is to gently shape the lip line slightly outward with the pencil. Although apparently simple, it needs a little attention in the application, so that the effect looks natural. Start by following the line down the center of the lips and pulling slightly outward as you go down to the edges. Fill in the gap with a pencil and continue applying your lipstick with a brush.
your lips will look fuller
The new makeup trend, which is ombre lips, is not only a fresh trend, but also makes the lips look bigger. It is essentially lip contouring, which is achieved by combining two close shades of lipstick, one dark and one lighter. Place the lighter lipstick in the center of the mouth and blend outwards with the dark, essentially creating a small eye shadow.
After the lipstick, apply a little concealer around and outside the lips, in a shade a tone lighter than your skin. The light it will give will add extra volume to them.
Alternatively, you can wear a matte lipstick and add a gloss with a metallic sheen to the center, fading it towards the edges. The light it reflects will give the desired results.
Finish with minimal highlighter in the central corner formed above the lips and below the nose, as the shimmer of the highlighter will give a similar effect.
Extra tip: Do not apply all the tips at the same time, because the image will be unnatural, while the goal is to have a harmonious and natural result.
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