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The combination of conventional and electronic cigarettes is disastrous

conventional - electronic cigarette

The combination of conventional and electronic cigarettes is disastrous

Conventional or electronic cigarette? Which of the two is more damaging to our body? Answers may vary depending on who is in charge to explain harmful substances containing each type of cigarette. conventional - electronic cigarette

The it is only certain that when smokers combine conventional cigarettes with electronic ones, then the result is disastrous for the body.

conventional - electronic cigarette

According to research, people who smoke conventional cigarettes and vape e-cigarettes at the same time have almost twice the risk of having a stroke compared to those who are only smokers and almost three times the risk compared to those who do not smoke at all.

Are e-cigarettes a healthy choice?

The new study adds to others that cast doubt on whether e-cigarettes are really a healthy alternative to regular cigarettes.

The researchers, led by Tarang Parekh of George Mason University in Virginia, who studied data on nearly 162,000 people aged 18 to 44, made the relevant publication in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.

Number one risk for stroke

"It has long been known that cigarette smoke is among the most important risk factors for stroke.

Our study shows that young smokers who also use e-cigarettes put themselves at even greater risk.

This is an important message for young smokers, who perceive e-cigarettes as less harmful and see them as a safer solution. We are beginning to understand the health effects of combining e-cigarettes and regular cigarettes and they are not good," Parekh said.

Other recent studies have shown, according to the APE, that vaping damages the lungs, that vapers are more likely to start smoking more quickly than non-vapers, that long-term exposure of the body to electronic nicotine of cigarettes causes inflammation etc.

The only solution is to stop smoking

In the case of vapers who have never smoked, there does not appear to be an increased risk of stroke, although, according to the researchers, the issue needs to be studied over a longer period of time to draw firm conclusions.

On the other hand, if ex-smokers become vapers, completely giving up traditional cigarettes, there does not seem to be any benefit in terms of reducing the risk of stroke in the future.

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