In recent years, due to the economic crisis, thousands of Greeks have been forced to work longer hours in order to make up for it salary reductions but also them excessive taxes. overtime for cardiovascular problems
Some of them sat longer hours at work or had second jobs. However, few are aware of the consequences that increased working hours can have on our health over the years.
New research findings show that overtime can create cardiovascular problems in a number of workers over time.
the findings
In particular, the researchers looked at data on more than 140,000 workers in France who had been employed for at least six months.
During the survey, the participants were asked to fill in a questionnaire regarding their health and work life. The scientists then analyzed the data collected to examine possible connections between working hours and the health status of the individuals.
overtime for cardiovascular problems
Based on the research, a total of 1224 of the participants had experienced a stroke – and it seems that their work habits contributed to this.
The researchers showed that workers who worked ten hours a day for at least 50 days a year were nearly 30% more likely to have a stroke than those who worked no more than eight hours.
It is worth noting that if overtime continued for more than ten years, the excess hazard rate skyrocketed to 45%.
Discharge tips
Although this research does not address the causes that make ten-hour work dangerous for our health, previous studies can help us understand where the problem lies. When we spend so much of our lives in the office, we develop unhealthy habits and move less.
The most basic self-protection measures you can take in the first instance, experts advise, are directly related to taking care of yourself. In addition to diet and exercise, don't forget to boost your mental health.
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