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Sun protection: essential for hair and skin

Sun protection

Sun protection: essential for hair and skin

Sun exposure is just the beginning. Salt and chlorine follow to complete the summer suffering of the hair. Sun protection Daily sun protection with the specialized ones products has been proven that can save their good health, appearance and texture.

The signs may not be so immediately apparent. But the hair and, above all, the scalp suffer in the sun as much as the skin. We see the consequences at the end of summer when our hair has lost its shine and vitality. Unless we take care of their daily protection in time.

What exactly happens in the summer. The exposure of the hair, without the correct protection, to ultraviolet radiation, at sea salt but also the pool's chlorine is the reason for the severe dehydration, the loss of shine and discipline that the hair shows in the summer months. These are the first signs which, however, over time - and as long as we neglect sun protection - lead to premature aging of the hair. We find this especially at the threshold of 40 years when they start to thin out, become thinner and of course turn gray.

Sun protection

Every time we expose our hair to the sun without protection, the melanin in the hair "absorbs" the UV radiation. With the cumulative effect of the sun - UV rays weaken the hair cortex - the natural defense mechanism is deregulated, causing scalp and hair to suffer. At the beginning of the holidays, the hair acquires natural, light highlights, but as the exposure to the sun continues, the natural color loses its shine and the pigments of the dyes fade. Dark brown and black hair proves to be more durable. On the contrary, fair ones are more vulnerable to the sun while gray ones often end up yellowed.

Scalp : this is where it all starts. The scalp is nothing but the skin of the head. It consists of soft tissues that cover the skull and has the same structure as the epidermis. However, sunbathing for long hours without a hat also seriously damages the scalp and is the cause of the intense redness or irritation that sometimes manifests itself at the parting point, where, that is, the scalp is permanently exposed. And unhealthy scalp means weak, brittle hair.
What saves the hair in the summer months

  • ·The hat in the city, from the first days of summer, as of course throughout the holidays, is the first step for proper sun protection of the hair.
    · We choose sunscreen products that provide broad-spectrum protection, both from UVA and UVB, just like we do for the skin.
  • Intensive moisturizing of the hair has been proven to contribute drastically to its protection. The thin film with which the specially selected moisturizing agents surround the hair prevents damage from the sun, sea salt and pool chlorine.
  • Nutrients olive, masks and conditioners set the tone for hair care for the summer months. We use them while we are in the sun but also after sunset for immediate repair.
  • For complete protection of the scalp and hair, every time we spray them with the specialized product, we make sure to "work" it very well, starting with a gentle massage on the scalp and then along the entire length of the hair.
  • We rinse the hair with plenty of running water as soon as we get out of the sea or pool. As long as the salt and chlorine remain, the chances of intense dehydration and sensitization of the hair increase. Sunlight simply completes its wear and tear.

Antoniou Thomopoulou writes at http://www.skingurus.gr

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