Most from us they believe that with the passing of the summer, the hours of leisure and relaxation are also lost. autumn melancholy
But also the autumn, which is considered a transitional age, hides its own beauty. Because the change of season also means a new beginning. A new beginning that should not be accompanied by either melancholy thoughts or bad moods. How can this happen;
Very simply, with the next 9 steps
1. Wake up early
Sunlight intensity and day length are greatly reduced during autumn. So start waking up early so you can take advantage of the hours from 06.00 to 10.00, strolling in the sun. You will enjoy the light more and maintain a good psychology.
2. Sleep on a schedule
A common problem of autumn is sleep disturbances. The night is longer, melatonin is secreted in greater quantities and thus we want to sleep more hours. This in turn makes us consume more coffee to stay awake. The solution to this problem is to follow a good schedule both when we go to sleep and when we wake up in the morning. This is how we will help our body cope with the change of season.
3. Adjust your diet
As the length of the day is limited, the hormone of good mood, serotonin, ceases to be produced by the body in the quantities it needs. The result is that we are looking for foods that will boost this hormone. Of course such foods are spaghetti, potatoes and rice which, in addition to serotonin, also increase our weight. So a good idea would be to replace all these foods with alternatives, such as orange vegetables, pumpkin and sweet potato that contain large amounts of vitamins and trace elements and of course enhance our good mood.
4. Make laughter a habit
When we laugh, they are produced endorphins, resulting in maintaining our good mood. So let's laugh watching our favorite comedy series on TV, watching funny videos on the computer, or playing board games with friends in the evenings at home.
5. Flush out toxins
If you want to reorganize your mood, start by reorganizing the organization. You will achieve this by abstaining from summer beers and cocktails.
6. Plan little getaways
Summer vacation may be over, but it's not too early to start planning our next getaways. They may be shorter in duration, but they will certainly be just as satisfying and fun.
7. Enjoy nature in the city
It's time to enjoy your city parks. These small contacts with nature will raise your mood, unlike the contact with the city center which usually limits the good mood.
8. Exercise
Start your day early in the morning by following a regular exercise program. This morning workout will help you have increased energy for the rest of the day.
9. Spend time with friends
As in many cases, friends are the best medicine for autumn melancholy. Take advantage of the beneficial effects of company, have fun, chat and make plans for a great and fun winter.
From the spa-about.gr team
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