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Easily Adapt to Open Sea Swimming

Open Sea Swimming

Easily Adapt to Open Sea Swimming

Open Sea Swimming

Gain confidence, swim beyond the norm

To the people they grew up with on the beach they really like diving in lakes and sea water. But for those who are used to swimming only in a pool, the waterof the sea looks scary. How could you feel comfortable without tracks, walls or the smell of chlorine? The good news is that open sea swimming is an extremely liberating experience. You can enjoy the beautiful scenery, the great freedom, the endless variety of stimuli for all your senses and the fact that your pace is not interrupted by all those annoying turns. "Light water" is what makes us feel fast! Adapt gradually with a careful approach and you will learn to love it.

Open Sea Swimming

Equip yourself

The truth is that you don't need any special equipment for your first experience on the open sea,

However, the following are considered necessary:

  • Glasses: In order to see well and not be bothered by the sun's rays, it is worth investing in a pair of dark glasses.
  • "Insulation:" When swimming in the open sea, the comfort provided by the right temperature is essential. So it would be good to use appropriate swimwear and caps that preserve it.
  • Land Equipment: To get to the water you may have to walk on rocks, sand or mud. So you need suitable shoes, which you can leave on the beach. You will also need towels and warm clothes, as well as a hot cup of steaming coffee Tea to deal with the chills when you come ashore after swimming. If there are no showers nearby, then you may need wet wipes to clean yourself.
  • Support: Swim with people who are familiar with the conditions you will face. Even better would be to have a friend accompany you who can follow you and has the right equipment with him. Your safety should always be your priority.
Open Sea Swimming

Prepare properly

  • In the swimming pool
    Ask your qualified coach for suitable exercises to train for the open sea. These may include ways of viewing, navigating with various important tips, swimming between people, etc.
  • On the Internet
    Look for warm, calm, shallow waters with lifeguards, nearby shores with activities organized by certified-trained coaches (NOT experienced...). Investigate the possibility of underwater obstacles (seaweed, reefs, floating objects,), living creatures (fish, jellyfish), waste water, exhaust gases, tides or currents. Try to visualize them so that you can react calmly whenever you come into contact with something unexpected. This way you will manage to have a relaxed adaptation to the open sea.

Start off easy

To succeed in a new venture, progress needs to be incremental. Give yourself a chance to start off easy. The first day may consist of nothing more than a walk on the beach. Know and respect your limits. You will find that these will subside as you gain experience.

Before entering the water, study the horizon and find signs to help you orient yourself. Learn to read the sun's rays falling and disappearing into the depths of the sea. Without the pool paths you will definitely need to get back on track regularly.

Always have a backup plan. Small issues in a pool can become major hazards when you are far from shore. Hypothermia, nausea, cramps or even hunger can prove to be big problems.

The more you swim in nature's waters, the more you will acclimatize to the cold temperatures, salt water, waves and long distances from shore. You will soon begin to relish the opportunity to escape the confines of the pool and enjoy the open sea. Dare to take the next step and then congratulate yourself. Celebrate every progress you make in developing your water skills. Open Sea Swimming

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