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Work out your whole body in 30'

Exercise the whole body

Work out your whole body in 30'

You know that the number one excuse what we use when we don't exercise is lack of time? Exercise the whole body

The sport can easily be made optional on a long to-do list even though we know it will make us feel so much better. 

In conversations at gyms we often hear: I did my aerobic exercises and now I'm moving on to cross fit.

I waited about half an hour to get on the treadmill or I was so tired yesterday I could hardly walk up the stairs. And most of the time we know that people who struggle so much in a few weeks won't be coming to the gym anymore. Why; Because research has shown that motivation and commitment disappear if training is either too intense or lasts more than 1 h.

If we don't enjoy something or it causes us pain, we won't consider that activity a priority. We should therefore initially assess why we exercise. Are we looking forward to exercise time or are we looking forward to it being over? The answer may be the solution to the problem, because exercise is not at the top of the list of things to do.

Exercise the whole body

So, since many of us are extremely stressed and it's a challenge for them to meet the demands of their family and work, here are four tips on how you can incorporate short but effective routines into your schedule so that it works out whole body in less than 30'. 

  1.  Do circuit strength training. Do circular exercises for the whole body, progressing successively from one exercise to another and completing the program in 30'. It's a routine you can use when you're pressed for time or when you feel like you're not in the mood. It's fun, fast and makes you feel good both during and after it's over.
  2. Limit training to a single set. Maybe not always but those few times when there is no time or mood. Do a set of 15 repetitions and it's strength training and then for 15' doing aerobic exercises.
  3. Combine strength exercises.
    1. Bracket push-ups strengthen chest, biceps, shoulders)
    2. Plank (strengthens shoulders, abs, quadriceps)
    3. Seats (I strengthen quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings, calves)
    4. Roll-ups (strengthens quads, glutes, calves)
  4. Try aerobic circuit training. For example 10' bike, 10' elliptical and 10' treadmill. Another way to achieve the thirty minute aerobic workout is to exercise €0.10 before work, €0.10 on your lunch break and €0.10 after work. And don't forget the stairs are great! You can go up and down at work or at home for strength and cardio.



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