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Avocado benefits for our health

Avocado benefits for our health

Avocado is a very popular “superfood” right now, packed with nutrients and good fats. It's creamy and delicious, it can be used in sandwiches, salads and omelettes and you can also use it as a moisturizer for your hair.

  1. It helps keep you smart. Avocado is full of omega-3 fatty acids and natural vitamin E, which are good for our brain. For example, they can improve blood supply to the prefrontal cortex, which is the part of the brain responsible for planning, decision-making and critical thinking.
  2.  It lowers cholesterol. Avocados are full of good fats, one cup of avocado slices provides you with 32% of good fat. The reason fat is so good for you is because it's monounsaturated fat, which can help lower bad cholesterol. Consequently reducing the risks of stroke and heart disease.
  3. The fat dissolvers are vitamins A, K, D and E adding avocado to any heavy-oily food will help you get all the vitamins from the meal. It helps in better absorption of nutrients-vitamins.
  4. Avocado also contains polyhydroxylated fatty alcohols (PFAs), which is an anti-inflammatory agent that helps the body reduce inflammation that can later even lead to arthritis. It also contains important antioxidants such as vitamin C and vitamin E which also help fight inflammation.
  5. It helps to improve the health of our eyes, with the lutein and zeaxanthin it contains, the so-called carotenoids that protect the eyes from harmful light waves.
  6. It is full of fiber. 7% of its weight consists of fibers. One avocado contains about 27% of your fiber for the day, since fiber is a big part of weight loss and metabolic health.
  7. It helps you lose weight. They contain monounsaturated fatty acids, which means they are likely to be stored as slow-burning energy instead of fat. This means that you will feel satisfied after eating avocado, helping to keep your hunger at bay.
  8. It contains more potassium than a banana. Potassium is an important mineral that most people ignore. You can find 14% recommended daily amount of potassium in one avocado. Food intake high in potassium is associated with reduced blood pressure, reducing the risk of strokes, heart attacks and kidney failure.
  9. Beneficial during pregnancy. One cup of avocado contains almost 25% of the recommended dose of folic acid, necessary for you and the baby.
  10. It is full of nutrients. It contains 20 vitamins and minerals including a quarter of your daily vitamin C, which plays an essential role in the growth and repair of our body's tissues. It is full of B-6 which helps our body "fight" away infection and disease.

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