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Red fruits and red wine increase life expectancy

Red fruits and red wine

Red fruits and red wine increase life expectancy

Foods like grape, pomegranate, blackberry, strawberry, raspberry etc. they contain resveratrol which, according to scientists, is beneficial as offers reduced calorie nutrition from 30%-40%, and as the study showed with this reduction we gain in long life. The red fruits and the Red wine

Studies that have focused in recent years on the substance resveratrol, which is contained in red fruits such as pomegranates, berries, strawberries, raspberries, grapes and apples, have shown that this substance has a positive effect on our body and strengthens the gene that increases the oxidation of of dietary fats, thus fighting it obesity.

Red fruits and red wine

A newer study, which was done by a group of scientists from the USA, Switzerland and France, showed that this substance greatly helps the functioning of our heart, while also delaying the aging of our body.

Red fruits and red wine
According to the scientists, resveratrol is beneficial as it offers a reduced calorie diet from 30%-40%, and as the study showed, with this reduction we gain in longevity. In fact, scientists believe that consuming fewer calories in our diet increases our lifespan. And as they mentioned, small daily doses of resveratrol have the same positive response from our body as a low-calorie diet.

This means that by enriching our diet with foods such as grapes, pomegranates, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, etc. that contain resveratrol, as well as with the moderate consumption of wine, i.e. 1-2 glasses per day, we benefit from the beneficial effects of this substance.

Resveratrol burns fat and helps heart and brain function. And as experts say, if these organs, i.e. brain, heart and muscles are working properly, both the activation and the expression of some of our genes changes.
The action of resveratrol appears to positively affect the mitochondria of cells that are present in all organs of the body and are the small energy production units located in the cytoplasm of cells.

Mitochondria are vulnerable to the oxidative damage of metabolism that accumulates with increasing age. The antioxidant action of resveratrol protects the overall health of the mitochondria found in the heart, brain, muscles, etc. and by extension increases our life expectancy.
Source: http://www.naftemporiki.gr