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How nuts help during pregnancy and the development of the child

Nuts help in pregnancy

How nuts help during pregnancy and the development of the child

The benefits of nuts to human health they're known for years as, among other things, they contribute to reducing the risk of hypertension and act as a deterrent to the onset of dementia. Nuts help in pregnancy

What we didn't know until now is that those pregnant women who follow a diet rich in nuts, help their child have neurodevelopmental benefits in the long term.

A new Spanish research comes to remind all women that nuts - when of course there are no issues with allergies - is one of the foods that not only helps our health but also the health of the children they will bring into the world.

Based on the findings of the research involving more than 2,200 mother-child pairs and published in the European Journal of Epidemiology, the positive effect of nuts was observed in pregnant women who consumed an average of about three servings of 30 grams of nuts of fruit per week.

That is, a quantity that is smaller than that recommended by healthy eating guides.

Nuts help in pregnancy

Nuts consumed by pregnant women were walnuts, almonds, peanuts, pine nuts and hazelnuts.

After the birth of their children and specifically at the ages of 18 months, five and eight years, the researchers evaluated a number of parameters related to the children's neuropsychological development.

The benefits

Analysis of the results showed that the group of children whose mothers ate more nuts during the first trimester of pregnancy showed the best results in all tests measuring cognitive function, attention and working memory.

Fatty acids and human nervous tissue

The head of the study, Florence Guinia, in an attempt to investigate and explain the cause of the results, said that the positive effect may be due to the fact that the nuts have high levels of folic acid and fatty acids, such as omega-3 and omega -6.

According to her, these components accumulate in the nervous tissue, particularly in the frontal areas of the brain, which affect memory and executive functions.

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