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Seven "golden" foods that "freeze" time

Seven "golden" foods  

Seven "golden" foods that "freeze" time

Our body and organism tell us doctors and nutritionists,  we won't  "sorry" if for years we choose "junk food" or otherwise known to everyone as junk food. Seven "golden" foods

Obviously, burgers, fries and gyros can't be completely removed from our diet. What we can do, however, if we want to "freeze" time and stay young for many more years, is to introduce a series of "golden foods" thus helping our body, our skin and our organism to face the time that each passing day leaves its mark.

Seven "golden" foods

The foods we recommend in today's tribute are all delicious, we can easily find them in supermarkets and they help a lot in order to look and feel smaller compared to what our ID says.

Black chocolate: It is full of flavanols and helps to absorb UV radiation thus protecting the skin from the harmful effects of the sun.

Nuts: In addition to the fact that few can resist them, we should not forget that they are sources of protein and fiber while at the same time lowering cholesterol. Do not overdo it with the quantities because they are fattening.

Lemon juice: In addition to the antioxidant effects of lemon, it is rich in vitamin C as a result of which it protects the body from viruses while helping to have brighter and younger skin.

Carrots: They are rich in vitamin A, they renew the damaged collagen and regenerates skin cells. And most importantly, they have great anti-cancer properties.

Oats: It is rich in carbohydrates and helps the body fill with serotonin, the hormone of good mood.

Πράσινο tea: it is able to keep the body young because it helps maintain healthy cells, reduces stress and prevents wear and tear.

Pomegranate: It is one of the most well-known superfoods. It stimulates our body, protects against osteoarthritis and acts as a deterrent to breast and skin cancer.

The pomegranate is rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, C, PP and E, in plenty of minerals (calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, selenium), in carbohydrates and in plant fibers. It also contains 15 amino acids and many trace elements.

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