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Putting aloe vera in our diet

Putting aloe vera in our diet

Low in nutrients but at the same time high in caloric value is the diet imposed by the rhythms of the modern lifestyle, increasing both obesity rates and the chances of related chronic diseases.

Processed foods high in fat and low in fiber are, according to experts, among the eating habits that mostly lead to morbid conditions, such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

But there are simple lifestyle changes that can strengthen the body against risks, such as eating a high-fiber diet, stopping smoking, and getting regular exercise.

Aloe vera is a plant with hundreds of substances, which contribute significantly to the prevention of the above risks. Its gel, which is found in its hard, juicy and fleshy leaves, contains more than 200 nutrients.

These ingredients coexist and reinforce each other to form a valuable health ally for the prevention and repair of damage, as well as the improvement of aesthetic and organic problems. Vitamins, minerals, trace elements, enzymes and much more work as a group and are absorbed as a whole by the human body.

By putting aloe in our diet every day, the body receives the elements it needs, i.e. those it lacks, expelling the rest without burdening our body.

Kaloe Vital, a perfected composition of ingredients based on aloe vera, is the right food supplement that can limit the negative consequences of the modern lifestyle. Contains aloe, pomegranate, 6 Cretan herbs (marjoram, sage, tea of the mountain, carob, dictam, kritam), Hyaluronic Acid, collagen and vitamin C, a combination with multiple health-beneficial properties.

Kaloe Vital helps with digestive disorders, constipation and irritable bowel, high cholesterol and sugar, joint pain, immune system strengthening and fighting viruses.

It is noted that its composition was carried out in collaboration with the Department of Pharmacy of the University of Athens.
Aloe Spa

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