Recent years there is a continuous upward trend in the phenomenon of hair thinning, which concerns a large percentage of the female population, approximately 15%. The Treatments of Female Hair Loss
What is detected is thinning and hair thinning, which affects the person's psychology. So looking for the causes and ways to deal with the problem seems rather imperative.
Thus, the appropriate treatment will be selected, which will protect the existing hair growth from further and possibly irreversible weakening.
The Treatments of Female Hair Loss
The diagnosis process begins with gathering the necessary information and considering all possible treatments, based on each woman's needs. A treatment program is then prepared that is perfectly adapted to the particularities of each case.
The effectiveness of Hair Loss Treatments
As for women's hair loss, the treatments are mainly preventive in nature. They offer nourishment and strengthening, to prevent or delay the manifestation of hair thinning.
However, they are also applied in more difficult cases such as for example in the case of damaged and weak fine hairs, so that thinning is not caused.
In more detail, when we talk about treatments related to female hair loss, we refer to the following cases:
- Prevention of hair loss
- The strengthening of hair growth, through nourishment and rejuvenation of the hair follicles. Thus the hair will be healthier, with vitality and density
- The maintenance of existing hair, through the reduction of hair loss
- The treatment of hair loss of various etiologies
Για πρόληψη, διατήρηση ή επανόρθωση της καλής υγείας και ομορφιάς των μαλλιών, μπορούν να εφαρμοστούν διάφορες θεραπείες όπως η Mesotherapy , το Laser ή η θεραπεία με αυτόλογους αυξητικούς παράγοντες, δηλαδή η μέθοδος αυτόλογης ανάπλασης και αναγέννησης των ιστών, μέσω πλάσματος εμπλουτισμένου με αιμοπετάλια. Με αυτόν τον τρόπο θα επιτευχθεί ενδυνάμωση των υπαρχόντων τριχών και η επιτάχυνση του ρυθμού ανάπτυξης των νέων μαλλιών.
These are completely safe treatments designed specifically for each woman.
Evaluation of the results
The treatment results are evaluated in the following ways:
- Photography of the target area, before and after the application of the treatment
- The conduct of regular re-checks, at 3, 6 and 12 months
Thus, there is the possibility of comparison and the possibility of incorrect estimates is excluded.
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