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After sun treatments

After sun treatments

After sun treatments

The summeri passed and as the tan slowly goes away, the skin appears signs of dehydration with a rough and dull appearance, while if we overdo it in the sun, salt and sea, spots, freckles and small wrinkles may appear around the eyes and lips. After sun treatments

We also notice a decrease in elasticity and a lack of shine. So we take advantage of winter to renew, rest and take care of our skin with special rejuvenation treatments.

Οι θεραπείες που προτείνω για άμεση ενυδάτωση είναι mesotherapy με συστατικά όπως Hyaluronic Acid and vitamins που θα αποκαταστήσουν τη χαμένη υγρασία και θα προσφέρουν στα κύτταρα του δέρματος όλα τα απαραίτητα συστατικά για την αυτο επιδιόρθωσή του. Θεραπείες μετά τον ήλιο

The hyaluronic acid οξύ συγκρατεί πολλαπλάσια σε σχέση με το βάρος του ποσότητα νερού γύρω από τα κύτταρα, κάνοντας το διαθέσιμο στο δέρμα. Τα ανόργανα άλα τα και the vitamins δρούν αντιοξειδωτικά, εξουδετερώνοντας τις ελεύθερες ρίζες, που είναι υπεύθυνες για τη γήρανση αλλά και τις βλάβες στο DNA των κυττάρων του δέρματος.

Also, micro-injuries from the needle or roller (for those who hesitate in front of needles) give the "signal" to the lower layers of the skin to renew its cells. For a complete result, 4-6 sessions costing 80-100 euros each are required. Mesotherapy also works in addition to areas with very fine wrinkles such as the area under the eyes or around the lips.

For dull and rough skin I recommend some light peeling or if there is still the possibility of sun exposure microdermabression (Microdermabrasion) to remove dead cells and the skin acquires homogeneity, shine and a smooth surface while allowing care products (creams, serums, masks) ) to penetrate better.

It is a treatment without needles, with an immediate glow and without any irritation. The skin immediately appears softer, more homogeneous in color and more toned, while one can immediately return to all his activities. Cost 100 euros.
If there are freckles and spots and depending on the skin type, a laser or whitening treatment and peeling suitable for discolorations are recommended.

Cost 150 euros.

Finally for the small wrinkles around the eyes, it is recommended botox which is a much more cost-effective treatment than botox across the forehead. (150 euros). It is done at all ages and literally erases the signs of time without any alteration in expression.
For those who want something more active, which will combine improving the appearance of the skin with tightening, the Fractional CO2 laser is the treatment of choice.

It improves the whole face (and neck), eliminates spots, discolorations and increases endogenous collagen production. It is one of the most effective treatments but has a recovery time of 3-4 days where the sun and make-up are avoided. 2-3 treatments are usually required and the cost is 250-300 euros each.

Article by Vasiliki Moussatos MD PhD, Dermatologist Venereologist