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5 nutritional secrets for perfect skin

nutritional secrets for perfect skin

5 nutritional secrets for perfect skin

Skin health passes through our plate. nutritional secrets for perfect skin

Yes, you read that right. Today you will reveal 5 nutritional secrets that will help to keep your skin healthy and looking in very good condition. Read the following text and you will see how the skin and its health depends on nutrition, and what we can do for better health...

A bright, healthy skin is the best gift that we can do to ourselves, nutrition is often the tool.
Most women are born with healthy and supple skin. However, as we age, our skin becomes less resistant to daily wear and tear, resulting in wrinkles, dryness and signs of dehydration. But the good news is that the health of our skin is not just a matter of genes. According to 80-90% the appearance of our skin depends on our lifestyle and especially our diet. Therefore, by making small changes in our daily diet we can maintain a glowing and healthy skin.

nutritional secrets for perfect skin

Step 1 : Hydration
Drinking plenty of fluids is vital for skin health. The well-known rule of 6-8 glasses of liquids a day (water, juices or tea) covers most women's fluid needs for the winter months. The abundant liquids provide our skin with the necessary moisture and also a feeling of freshness

Step 2: Fortify your diet with antioxidants
One of the most important factors that contribute to skin aging is free radicals. Free radicals are produced naturally by our body, but also as a result of our exposure to various environmental factors such as smoking, pollution or radiation.
Antioxidants are our body's defense, "deactivating" free radicals. In addition, antioxidants help repair already damaged skin cells.
The following foods are rich in antioxidants and should be included in our daily diet:
Carrots, apricots and all fruit and vegetables with yellow and orange color
Spinach and other green leafy vegetables
Blackberries/ Blueberries
Legumes, peas and lentils
Salmon, mackerel and other fatty fish

Step 3 : Amp it up collagen your
Collagen is a structural component of our skin and necessary to maintain its health. Nutrition can significantly contribute to the production of collagen and therefore to delaying the aging of the skin.
The basic elements of our diet that we must pay attention to are:
Consumption of foods containing proline & lysine (precursors for collagen production, such as meats and foods of animal origin, egg white (lysine), wheat germ.
Adequate intake of vitamin C. Foods rich in vitamin C are bell pepper, papaya, oranges, pineapple, broccoli, kiwi and strawberries.
Choose foods rich in phytochemicals, such as green tea, blueberries, cherries and all dark fruits.

Step 4: Alcohol in moderation!
Excessive alcohol intake can cause dehydration which affects the appearance of the skin. A chronic high alcohol intake can also cause wrinkles to appear. For women, the recommended alcohol intake is 1-2 servings per day (1 serving is 1 glass (250 ml) of beer or 1 glass (100 ml) of wine or 1 shot (25 ml) of spirits. Of course, it is understood that you should we leave some days of the week without any alcohol intake.

Step 5: Choose skin-friendly oils
Fatty acids are essential for maintaining soft and firm skin. Alpha linoleic acid (soy, olive oil and flaxseed) and omega-3 fatty acids (salmon, sardines, anchovies, as well as walnuts and almonds) are of particular importance for skin health.
By consistently applying the above steps in our diet, it is certain that we will have the most radiant, healthy and youthful skin that our genes allow us to have!
Dr. Glykeria Psarras

Clinical Dietitian-Nutritionist
Article http://www.iatropedia.gr