The doctors have linked smoking with a series of diseases that can often lead – after several years – even to death. Cigarettes are "blamed" for vision problems
What almost no one knew is the fact that smoking it can cause serious problems in our vision, and in some extreme cases it may even lead to its loss.
In a revealing BBC report it is stated that millions of people in the UK are putting their eyes at risk by continuing to smoke.
Cigarettes are "blamed" for vision problems
Despite the clear link between the two, only one in five people know that smoking can lead to blindness.
The British charity Royal National Institute for the Blind (RNIB) is sounding the alarm for those who continue to smoke, citing among other things that smokers are twice as likely to lose their sight as non-smokers.
Why are cigarettes "blamed" for the eyes?
As they report, cigarette smoke can both cause and worsen a number of eye conditions. The toxic chemicals in cigarette smoke can irritate and damage the eyes.
In particular, heavy metals such as lead and copper can accumulate in the natural lens of the eye and lead to cataracts.
Smoking can also worsen vision problems associated with having diabetes while smokers are more likely to develop macular degeneration.
Sudden loss of vision
Finally, those who enjoy cigarettes have multiple chances compared to non-smokers, to experience a sudden loss of vision, caused by optic neuropathy, i.e. disorder of blood supply to the optic nerves.
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