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Children: The benefits of naps

Children: The benefits of naps

Children: The benefits of naps

In the modern age where all of us, from young children to parents, run from morning to night with a series of obligations, the afternoon nap  it has come second and is considered by the majority of people regardless of age to be a luxury. Children: The benefits of naps

Older people may not have time due to work commitments to have a midday siesta, but children, and especially those who go to kindergarten and in elementary school, they could, under conditions, sleep some afternoons, as the benefits for their body and a series of parameters related to their psychology, even school performance are important.

Two different studies conducted on kindergarten and elementary school children at universities abroad demonstrated these benefits. In particular, research at a higher institution in Massachusetts has proven that naps can improve children's memory and, by extension, have better school performance.

Those children who had an average of 44 minutes of midday sleep and took part in special memory tests had remarkably better results.

A more recent study, this time in children aged 10 to 12 years, showed that naps can help them in their self-control and school performance.

In fact, as the researchers point out, the children who took their... nap at noon 3 to 4 times a week, showed the least behavior problems in the school environment.

Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania collected data on the hours and frequency of sleep and then – and with the help of their teachers – analyzed the benefits they had in classrooms.

The more often the children napped at lunchtime, the more the indicators improved in a number of factors, such as school performance. Children: The benefits of naps

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