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Summer Treatments

Summer Treatments

Keep your skin healthy during the summer by investing in treatments that reverse the signs of photoaging!
The effect of solar radiation on our skin (UVA, UVB) causes functional disorders, which manifest as aesthetic problems, especially when our exposure to the sun is systematic and does not include sunscreen coverage and protection. The understanding of the mechanisms of photoaging has introduced in the field of Aesthetic Dermatology multiple methods of reversing the same as well as the chronoaging (aging), which is determined genetically.
Get the characteristics of a youthful skin, which are perfectly identified with the characteristics of a healthy skin! Secure them with treatments deemed necessary especially during the period of high sunshine, without any contraindications to the sun and their recovery.

Treatments applied in summer based on your goals for:
Soft skin with normal flow of keratinization of the upper layer (epidermis) | The process of photoaging, which is intensified in the summer, causes disturbances in the normal rates of keratinization. Choose treatments such as:

Peeling with ferulic acid
PRP Microneedling
Silkpeel hydrodermabrasion
Dermapen ή Dermaroller με ενυδατικά ή συσφικτικά υλικά
Deep facial cleansing
Elastic and firm skin means skin with a sufficient amount and normal structure and function of collagen and elastin molecules – molecules of our connective tissue. Under the sun the concentration of collagen decreases, it is disorganized and with it the elastin fibers are disorganized and increased. Restore a sufficient amount of properly organized collagen (collagen remodeling) and elastin with methods such as:

RF Microneedling (Infini) | It is a channel of radio frequencies using specially insulated heads with micro-needles, which leave the skin intact and protected
Radiofrequency (Cocoon Duo Technology) | Alternative radio frequency application with zero recovery time
PRP with injectable technique | Ideal renewal treatment for all skin types through autologous molecular healing mechanisms
LPG face protocol | To increase blood circulation and thus restore skin oxygenation
The renewal and regeneration of the skin no longer stops in the summer as all the above techniques are completely safe and permissible throughout the summer.

Leather with an even color tone | We target the normal function and distribution of melanocytes and the production of melanin.

Under the influence of the sun, genetically predisposed skins may show hyperactivity and create discolorations, freckles & freckles. Even out your color tone and maintain the effect of winter treatments to remove discoloration on your skin with treatments such as PRP Microneedling & special molecular structure Peeling, ideal in the summer season.

We should mention that the regular use of sun cream works preventively against discolouration but at the same time is the best treatment, limiting all the effects of the sun on our skin cells.

Skin hydrated | A skin that is intact in terms of its functions does not show water loss and thus remains hydrated, therefore healthy in appearance.

To restore moisture to a skin sensitive due to sun exposure, we choose treatments such as:

Microdermabrasion Silkpeel
Hydradermabrasion in combination with keratolytic & moisturizing solutions to restore the correct ratio of cells in the skin
Chemical peels
Θεραπείες ενυδάτωσης όπως οι δημοφιλείς Μεσοθεραπείες με Hyaluronic Acid, αμινοξέα, πεπτίδια, vitamins κτλ.
Special chemical peelings
PRP injection or Microneedling
Schedule a free medical consultation.

Medical text editing:
Evangelidemou Athena https://www.lasertouch.g